The Hulk you’re talking about is this one. Dr. Brian Banner was an atomic physicist who worked on producing … Double-sized first issue! Don't have to waste my brain cells to argue with such pathethic debaters as u who loves using outliers, highball favourite characters or misinterprete their feats or statements. World Breaker Hulk's powers and abilities The Hulk is one of the most powerful beings in the universe since his powers increase with his rage, because of that he is capable of matching the power of beings like Thor and severely overpowering beings such as Silver Surfer, the Hulk is able to go far beyond universal levels of power, perhaps at his best, Multiversal feats. This Hulk’s rage was great - having been exiled from Earth, he fought his way through the gladiatorial … By Timothy Donohoo Published Oct 26, 2019. After a fierce battle, Thor manages to have Hulk give up his vendetta and agrees to a settlement that sees Hulk and his forces go back to Sakaar to rebuild and leave Earth in peace. X MEN VS HULK 2009 DOWNLOAD PDF MAGAZINES MAGAZINES. Disclaimer: I asked this question to see other peoples opinions on this matter, but as someone well versed in Hulk comics I still consider myself qualified to give an answer. Such as mmh who could consistenlty scan galaxy or even multiverse or planet several … See Also. So from what I understand, World Breaker Hulk is World War Hulk, but savagely pissed off and MUCH stronger. He warned Red She-Hulk to run before losing control, and … Share Share Tweet Email. 4 #19-20 and Ghost Rider vol. HULK VOL 6 WORLD WAR HULKS JEPH LOEB 9780785142676. 5 days ago. You do a lot of damage, heal instantly and have loads of defense. So much so that he breaks the world just by walking. 4. 2) #104-105), Hulk returned to Earth, seeing revenge against the Illuminati.. Marvel’s Avengers Game Hulk Build Guide – Worldbreaker Hulk: At a glance stats: Gear: This shows each gear and what the buffs are for each along with the stats … The Hulk is seen at his maximum rage, due to the destruction of his adopted planet as depicted in the Planet Hulk series. Event Synopsis. Fact #88 MarvelDCComix World Br Breaker Hulk was so terrifying and dangerous that when Hulk went up against Darwin, whose a mutant that evolves to survive anything, though it is involuntary, Darwin's power actually teleported him away from the fight as it was the only way Darwin would survive. WORLD WAR HULK WARBOUND BOOK 2008 WORLDCAT. About; History; Powers; Equipment; Movies; Gallery; Battles; Comments; History. This issue includes a "Roadmap to World War Hulk", an index of significant crossover issues shipping from May until September of 2007. … The Illuminati, a secret society of Marvel's most prominent thinkers and political leaders led by Reed Richards, chose to deal with the Hulk's destructive power by trapping him on a rocket and sending him to another planet. Strange and Black … Banner's mother showed much affection for her child, who returned her love, but this only served to fuel his father's rage. So then this would pretty much mean that World Breaker Hulk is the absolute strongest Hulk there is (not counting Cosmic Hulk Is World breaker Hulk the strongest? The Hulk (World Breaker) Vs Doomsday (Hunter Prey) This Fight requires that Hulk is at The Maximum of his Anger aka World Breaker Hulk, and that Doomsday is at the state after killing Superman aka H/P Doomsday. Thanks to YouTuber Laajune, this is what he refers to as the Worldbreaker Hulk buid, and we agree. World Breaker Hulk [edit | edit source] A more powerful form of what is known as the Green Scar coming from his rage being at its most focused, due to meditation training by his ally Hiroim. MARVEL HULK VOLUME 1 RED HULK FROM HULK BY JEPH LOEB. World Breaker Hulk's History Childhood Trauma Robert Bruce Banner was the son of an alcoholic who deeply hated him. This issue provides cover spotlights for upcoming issues of World War Hulk. THE INCREDIBLE HULK 1982 TV SERIES. In his time spent on the planet Sakaar, the Hulk had become stronger than ever before and wanted revenge on The Illuminati.In his spaceship headed for Earth the … Characters Battles Teams Super Powers Forum Feed Collections. Comment. The Avengers and the Fantastic Four frequently … 2. The fight won't be easy at all in supermen favor. And the fifth sees Thor and the Warriors Three responding to the call to stop the Hulk. A prediction doing the rounds is hinting that a future film will re-introduce Mark Ruffalo’s Bruce Banner as arguably the most unbeatable force in the entire galaxy: World Breaker Hulk. War Hulk is. This is the Full Story of our Planet Hulk video and our World War Hulk Remake series. mindset01. HULK 23A … 1 History 2 Properties 3 See Also 3.1 Footnotes The Hammer of Nul was one of the seven mystical war hammers the Serpent summoned to awaken the Worthy.1 It fell in Brazil, drawing the attention of Hulk and Red She-Hulk. His grief, rage, and hatred feed off one another in an endless loop. 1 wins (100%) 0 (0%) 0 wins (0%) World Breaker Hulk Bruce Banner: 1.1 M: World Breaker Hulk (Power Cosmic) Bruce Banner: 2.3 M: Immortal Hulk Bruce Banner: 1.8 … World War Hulk (2007) #1 Pak, Romita. Follow 105. He has the voice of Bruce Banner in his head. Exiled by a group of Marvel heroes to the savage alien planet of Sakaar, the Hulk raged, bled and conquered through the pages of last years Planet Hulk epic, rising from slave to gladiator to king. Even before this projectile rating of 5 was released, we saw a peak of this power when he almost sank the seaboard. The madder Hulk gets, the stronger he gets, and the World-Breaker Hulk is the angriest that the Jade Giant has ever been. Plot. Blinded by revenge and propelled by hatred, World Breaker Hulk is probably the strongest Hulk there has ever been. Hulk (1999) #106 Pak, Frank. Related: The Deadliest Hulk Was a Horseman of Apocalypse While there is no real consensus among fans over which version of the Hulk is the strongest, a few have been singled out as the top tier, with the World Breaker Hulk, from the World War Hulk storyline prime among them. 0. WORLD BREAKER HULK IN AVENGERS ENDGAME. World Breaker Hulk who told you wbh is solar system lvl lol base hulk is already universal wbh is 10x times more powerful at least Last edited: 1 mo 26 d ago. World Breaker is not even close to full potential. Who will win in a fight between Team World Breaker Hulk and Team Broly? Apart from stomping and causing earthquake across entire continents and planets, the World-Breaker has phenomenal destructive abilities. Hence he is seen in his most powerful form. World Breaker Hulk SupermenSupermen Post-Crisis SupermanNew 52 SupermanRebirth SupermanKingdom Come SupermanAll-Star SupermanInjustice Superman w/ S At the end of the Marvel Universe is a cosmic Hulk made of melted flesh, a tangle of limbs and an infinite chorus of eyeless, screaming souls. World War Hulk + Energy Projectile Rating of 5 = World Breaker Hulk. World War Hulk Prologue: World Breaker, World War Hulk: Frontline #1-5 196 June 2008 ISBN 978-0785126669: World War Hulk: Gamma Corps: World War Hulk: Gamma Corps #1-4 104 May 2008 ISBN 978-0785128045: World War Hulk: X-Men: World War Hulk: X-Men #1-3, Avengers: Initiative #4-5, Irredeemable Ant-Man #10, Iron Man vol. For all of Blue Hulks' physical and psychic strength, he … World Breaker Hulk Bruce Banner. Childhood TraumaRobert Bruce Banner was the son of an alcoholic who deeply hated him. World War Hulk was an event in which the Hulk was banished from Earth by the Illuminati.At the end of Planet Hulk (in Incredible Hulk (Vol. SA – popular memes on the site It’s fine to use a colloquialism, but World War Hulk is not a Hulk. Created by aanngeeeeelll1111. TL;DR: at the bottom. World Breaker Hulk @LordTracer: ( this is last time i ever reply to u in my existence ) don't cry but i deceided to ignore u completely and it is fine. Banner's mother showed much affection for her child, who returned her love, but this only served to fuel his father's rage. COMICS-DERIVED CHARACTER ADAPTATIONS THE HULK: WORLD-BREAKER Val CHA Cost Roll Notes 125 STR 115 34- Lift 838.9 ktons; 25d6 HTH Damage [12] 23 DEX 39 14- OCV: 8/DCV: 8 90 CON 160 27- 35 BODY 50 16- 25 INT 15 14- PER Roll 14- 20 EGO 20 13- ECV: 7 50 PRE 40 19- PRE Attack: 10d6 12 COM 1 11- 60 PD 35 Total: 60 PD (35 rPD) 60 ED 42 Total: 60 ED (35 rED) 5 SPD 17 … Team World Breaker Hulk vs Team Broly. Subscribe: Endgame gave us a completely new version of the Hulk that we’ve never seen before! Blue Hulk has a hidden strength beyond his nightmare-inducing cosmic upgrades. 4 #12-13 240 May 2008 … World War Hulk Prologue: World Breaker (2007) #1 David, Romita. Silver Surfer leaves in disgust and Galactus comes to destroy the Earth and makes Hulk his new herald known as World Breaker. As a hulk fan, world breaker hulk is hela strong as heck but I don't think he is gonna win this fight. Warning: the following contains spoilers for Immortal Hulk #25 by Al Ewing, German Garcia, Chris … 3. 1 Blue Hulk: Double Team. World Breaker Hulk is shown to be unable to fully control his power at its most extreme as he has caused city-endangering feats with a single step and devolved into a near Mindless Hulk persona (in contrast to his World War Hulk persona, who is extremely intelligent and capable of restraint (such as when he spared Xavier's life, deciding Earth's mutants had suffered enough from events such as M … You can check out screenshots of the gear and the skills used for this build below. Now the Hulk returns to Earth to wreak his terrible vengeance on Iron Man, Reed Richards, Dr. He wins easily. " World-Breaker: The Hulk's Final Cosmic Form Is Revolting. shaneherald 5 mo 18 d Read World War Hulk Prologue: World Breaker Comic Online. While investigating the crash site, the Hulk was drawn to the hammer and was transformed into Nul, Breaker of Worlds. And what ? Trivia. Amadeus ChoPrime Marvel Universe(Earth-616)SkaarPrime Marvel Universe(Earth-616)WorldbreakerPrime Marvel Universe(Earth-616) WorldbreakersLEGO Marvel Universe(Earth-13122)WorldbreakersBattlerealm(Earth-15513) Dr. Brian Banner was an atomic physicist who worked on producing clean nuclear power as an energy source, but he was afraid his exposure to it mutated his son's genes. Sign Up Login. Firstly, we need to go over this again because some people still don’t understand.
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