9) are the ribs which fit into their proper place. Description: In this verse-by-verse commentary series, we will explore the ancient Biblical text of the book of Daniel. 1. Some so-called theologians declare that in order to have so-called utopia man must proclaim himself the great humanity divine. It was indeed not the doctrine of the church embodied in any creed or form of devotion, but a widely current opinion of distinguished teachers.” The modern attempts are not original at all (as many of our contemporaries suppose), but are revivals of the ancient Roman ideal, which never since the time of Augustus Caesar has been wholly lost.” –Walt Huntley, “The soul is on its knees many times, regardless of the position of the body.” From: To: OR Custom Selection: Use semicolons to separate groups: … Search a pre-defined list. 10:11). “But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased” (Dan. 3Zondervan Pictorial Bible Dictionary, s.v. " Robert Culver, Also sign me up to receive Thru the Bible's monthly newsletter by email. Bible Study Questions on Daniel Note: Prophecies in Daniel 7-12 make a very challenging study. (McGee, J. Vernon. Daniel: Notes for Bible Study Groups, Part 3 September 25, 2016 by Kathy Cooper No Comments Drawing from her own study of Daniel, the knowledge gained while serving as a teaching assistant for Prof. Iain Provan ’s Regent College course on Daniel, and the insights gained through talks Carl Ellis gave at an InterVarsity conference, Kathy Cooper has compiled study notes for InterVarsity … 2. Alexander was so impressed by this that, instead of destroying Jerusalem, he entered the city peaceably and worshiped at the temple. This commentary should be of use to both pastors and general readers. Ray Stedman: Daniel: The Way to the Future [, , Translated] Peninsula Bible Church. Let us have a full-course message Kenneth Boa: 34. God ordained the family as the nurturing place of future generations, but man proposes that government replace the family. If he's always on the bottle In chapter 11, we were brought to the "time of the end". Prophecy is here interwoven with history to show that God is overruling the idolatry, blasphemy, self–will, and intolerance of the Gentiles. At the beginning of the book he is a boy in his teens. I do not feel that this evidence, taken by itself, can be pressed too far, for obviously the end of whatever series of events is in the mind of the author is designated by the expression, ‘time of the end.’ This is not necessarily a series reaching on to the consummation of the ages. The neglect of the study of prophecy has produced certain harmful results which I think are quite evident today. The Book of Daniel is the key to understanding other Scriptures. An examination of the best commentaries can be helpful in sorting through the … Young to be one of the most helpful. We need Bible meat to chew. History, Background, Extensive paragraph outline. All visions of Daniel are presented to Him when He is a captive in Babylon. God's preparation of a person is a thing of wonder. Add To Cart Add To Wishlist. until the first year of King Cyrus (about 536 B.C.). And like Ezekiel, the difficult nature of these prophecies has resulted in a wide variety of conflicting interpretations. As we shall soon see, Daniel, through no fault of his own, will find himself in a seemingly impossible situation with a death sentence hanging over his head. 2) and the beasts (Dan. Other periods include: (1) The Creation and Flood (Gen. 1:11); (2) The patriarchs and Moses (Gen. 12 – Deuteronomy); (3) Elijah and Elisha (1 Kings 17 – 2 Kings 13); (4) Jesus and the apostles (Gospels, Acts); and (5) The time of the Second Advent (Revelation). Golden images, winged lions, proud kings, Judgment Day and the Holy Sanctuary…they are all part of the fascinating, colorful book of Daniel. Give to them the Pablum can. That will give us strength to stand Stock No: WW445691. Daniel Character Bible Study Background and Lessons. Porphyry, a heretic in the third century A.D. declared that the Book of Daniel was a forgery written during the time of Antiochus Epiphanes and the Maccabees. The author [that is, Dr. Hodge], knowing that he has not such qualifications for the work, purposes to confine himself in a great measure to a historical survey of the different schemes of interpreting the Scriptures prophetically.” That certainly was a startling and sad admission on the part of Dr. Hodge. Having willfully rejected the truth about God, man is worshipping and serving himself rather than his creator.”             –Dr. The Next 500 Years: 2017 National Conference, Triumph of the Lamb: A Commentary on Revelation, Naming Ligonier the Beneficiary of a Bank or Investment Account, Gifts That Provide Income and Tax Benefits. Julius Caesar would have been one, Hitler would have been another. When Alexander’s invasion reached the Near East, Jaddua, the high priest, went out to meet him and showed him a copy of the Book of Daniel in which Alexander was clearly mentioned. God instituted moral absolutes to govern man, but man says that utopia can come only through the rejection of these absolutes. There are three words which characterize Daniel’s life: purpose, prayer, and prophecy. As with all of Scripture, the book of Daniel is profitable for our study - 2 Ti 3:16-17 a. 3. Best for: individual study, devotional reading, Bible studies, adult Sunday school classes. 7) are the backbone of prophecy; the Seventy Weeks (Dan. Those scrolls confirm the fact that there was only one author of the Book of Isaiah. So King Nebuchadnezzar admitted that Daniel’s God was the best of all the “gods.” Sinclair Ferguson — Daniel (The Preacher’s Commentary, 2002). 2021 Edition Dr. Constable's Notes on Daniel 5 DATE The dating of this book is one of the most controversial subjects in the field of Old Testament Introduction.1 The controversy is not due to the obscurity of evidence but to the presuppositions of critics. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1991. Purpose: “This commentary on Daniel is a serious painstaking work by one of the foremost of contemporary Old Testament scholars. And like Ezekiel, the difficult nature of these prophecies has resulted in a wide variety of conflicting interpretations. In this helpful study, readers will see how this fascinating biblical book ultimately points to the sovereign Lord of history, who rules over all earthly kingdoms and whose plans cannot be thwarted. But man pampers the criminal at the expense of the innocent. You see, the proper study of prophecy will not lead us to sensationalism and fanaticism, but it will lead us to a life of holiness and fear of God. Man has his false prophets and 'christs' to encourage him in his rebellious attempt at self rule. Longman’s commentary on Daniel is an example of one of the better works in the series. Daniel 12:1 "And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation [even] to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book." And to those who need milk feeding, Mark Dever: Survival – The Message of Daniel [] Capitol Hill Baptist Church. For example, Dr. Charles Hodge, a great theologian at Princeton in the past, made this statement: “The subject [prophecy] cannot be adequately discussed without taking a survey of all the prophetic teachings of Scripture both of the Old Testament and of the New. Daniel identifies himself as the author of the book in Daniel 12:4 and Jesus also identified him in Matt 24:15. Robert D. Culver, “Rome was like Humpty-Dumpty. The King learned that God is wise and He reveals truth. Daniel: Lives of Integrity, Words of Prophecy - Audio Sessions. Paul’s revelation concerning the “… man of sin …” (2 Thess.             –Sir Isaac Newton, “Here is all presented as set before the king according to his ability of apprehension—the external and visible things being shown as man might regard them.”             –Dr. I feel the statement of Pusey is apropos here: “The rest which has been said is mostly mere insolent assumptions against Scripture, grounded on unbelief.” Sir Isaac Newton declared, “To reject Daniel is to reject the Christian religion.”. The German critics seized upon this hypothesis and, along with Dr. S. R. Driver, developed this type of criticism of the book. Daniel was a man of purpose (Dan. For the pulpit where they worship Humpty-Dumpty sat on a wall. This summary of the book of Daniel provides information about the title, author(s), date of writing, chronology, theme, theology, outline, a brief overview, and the chapters of the Book of Daniel. Students of Scripture should read anything that Sinclair Ferguson publishes, and his commentary on Daniel is no exception. They never seem to grow, Ezekiel 14:20) 3. There have been men throughout ages that have wanted to be as God. 2:3) needs Daniel’s account for amplification and clarification. Everyone can speculate, and you can speculate any way you want to—generally the speculation goes the wrong way. The Book of Daniel is a very important one, and it has therefore been the object of special attack by Satan in the same way that the Book of Isaiah has been. 12:4). We will find a great deal of fulfilled prophecy in Daniel. 24:15; Mark 13:14). The Ligonier Ministries site requires Javascript, but you’ve got Javascript disabled. from Keith Mathison 1:8; 6:10). These small group studies of Daniel contain outlines, cross-references, Bible study discussion questions, and applications. Here is God’s estimate of the man Daniel: “O Daniel, a man greatly beloved” (Dan. ), “The subject (prophecy) cannot be adequately discussed without taking a survey of all the prophetic teachings of Scripture both of the Old Testament and the New. I would not want to be one of those critics who have called the Book of Daniel a forgery. I simply want to say that I accept the findings of conservative scholarship that the man Daniel was not a deceiver and that his book was not a forgery. Nimrod epitomises human strength and self importance. in all its fullness to as many people as possible. This task cannot be satisfactorily accomplished by anyone who has not made a study of the prophecies a specialty. Others state that the true gospel is the good news that man is deified.             –Edward B. Pusey, “To reject Daniel is to reject the Christian religion.” Visit our library of inductive Bible studies for more in depth inductive studies on this and other books of the Bible you can use in your small group. The book of Daniel was written by, well, Daniel, around 537 B.C. Spanish translation available. The events narrated in the first six chapters date from the year Nebuchadnezzar deported Daniel and his friends (605) to the third year of Cyrus (536). Daniel [] Part of a series on the Old Testament prophets. Strong to serve our God and Saviour             –Prayer of a lawyer healed of cancer, “We know from pagan mythology that both Cybele and Diana are variously represented as crowned with multi-tiered crowns, plainly setting forth the idea of fortification with turrets, battlements, and so forth.” The Book of Daniel is one of the most thrilling books in the Bible, and it is, of course, a book on prophecy. This man-centered mania not only makes him refuse to submit to the rule of God, but also renders him incapable of submitting, and that’s Romans 8:7. Bill McRae: 25. And too weak to stand, K. Chesterton, “The Antichrist will come disguised as the great humanitarian. 4.5 out of 5 stars for Daniel: The Warren Wiersbe Bible Study Series. God ordained capital punishment for murderers, but man tries to abolish it.             –Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Josephus attributes to the Babylonian historian, Berosus, a definite reference concerning a strange malady suffered by Nebuchadnezzar before his death.” Daniel Chapter 1 Lesson: Stranded in Babylon [1] by I Gordon. How did it get to this?             –Dr. We know more about Daniel the man than we do of any other prophet. When the king made a decree that everyone had to eat the same thing, Daniel and his friends decided they would abide by the law of Moses—and they did. These deceivers tell man that he is good and perfectible by nature. Daniel was a Jew and he was taken captive others to Babylon along with many other Jews. Patty-cake and peekaboo, Very frankly, I go along with the Lord Jesus who, by the way, never reversed His statement. Dr. G. Campbell Morgan gave this theme for the Book of Daniel: “Persistent Government of God in the Government of the World.” This is the book of the universal sovereignty of God. I used my favorite Bible study tool, Logos Bible software, to do research that made this post possible. Daniel is told that at the time of the end, Michael will arise on behalf of Israel again (12:1). It was so in Daniel's life, and it is so in our own. Clear Advanced Options.             –Edward Gibbon, “Two millennia ago, Rome gave the world the ecumenical unity which the League of Nations and the United Nations have sought to give it in our time. Interesting, isn’t it, that they are looking for a man to put it together again?” God declares that the fear of the Lord is the starting point of wisdom, but man forbids any reference to God in the classroom. Kretzmann’s commentary on the Old Testament gives you a high-level understanding of both Daniel and the surrounding books of the Bible. Daniel Refuses to Eat King's Food, Passes Three Year Training Course. The key verse to the Book of Daniel is Daniel 2:44: “And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.”. The NIVAC commentaries are hit and miss. Isaiah has been called the prince of the prophets, and I would like to say that Daniel, then, is the king of the prophets. Here was a man who stood on his own two feet and had the intestinal fortitude to speak God’s Word. Renald Showers, from The Most High God, “Things are in the saddle, and they ride mankind.”             –G. To resist was fatal and it was impossible to fly.” Study of the Book of Daniel. He was a contemporary of Jeremiah (628-586 B. C.) and Ezekiel (593-570 B. C.), a fellow exile. There are a number of good conservative commentaries on the book of Daniel, but I still find the older work of E.J. Daniel Study Guide. He gives us a personal account of his life from the time he was carried captive to Babylon in the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim (about 606 B.C.) It is not in the purview of these brief comments to enter into useless argument and fight about that which has already been settled. Still very highly recommended. Availability: In Stock. Follow along in this chapter-by-chapter, self-grading Bible study as you unravel complex prophecies and learn simple biblical principles for everyday life.             –Rudyard Kipling, “This is a time of humanism, instability, war, and false prophets and false 'christs.' Category: Articles. The book of Daniel is set within the context of the sixth century exile. However, it is quite clear from 10:14, which fixes the scope of the prophecy to include ‘the latter days,’ that the ‘time of the end’ in this prophecy is with reference to the period consummated by the establishment of the Messianic Kingdom.” He answers the question—Who will rule the world?—not, How will the world be converted? Young, however, is usually the first work I look at when I turn to commentaries on Daniel. Digital.             –Samuel P. Tregelles, “The captains and the kings depart, still stands Thine ancient sacrifice, an humble and a contrite heart.” The best commentaries on Daniel ranked by scholars, journal reviews, and site users. Book of Daniel Bible Study Commentary Chapter 1. Daniel chapter 2 presents us with a very interesting little passage. 5. There are certain great subjects of prophecy. by I Gordon . God ordained distinctive appearances and roles for the sexes, but man tries to obliterate those distinctions. There are several incidents recorded in this book about Daniel’s prayer life. Other topics include Israel, the gentile nations, evil, Satan, the Man of Sin, the Great Tribulation period, and how this age will end.             –Edward Gibbon, “The empire of the Romans filled the world, and when the empire fell into the hands of a single person, the world became a safe and dreary prison for his enemies.