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Syracuse 2-3 zone Part 2. 2 3 zone defence basketball. There are quite a few different zone defenses that are effective against a potent offense. Don't worry about the championships. The 2-3 zone is also effective against poor outside shooting teams. I'm not trying to down play your argument for zone. I have heard every argument you can imagine, and every single time I verbally talk this through with a youth coach who is dead set they are right about zone, they change their mind when we start talking about fundamentals and development. My 14+ league is currently 4-0 with leades as high as 30 points. As the offense sets up, the defense matches up as shown. You can also use it as a trapping defense. Man is just better for long term development. You want to force the offense to start back farther than they want to with your 2-3 Zone Defense. I would just add this to our discussion -Winning is a by product of a fundamentally sound team and players. Notice how our 5 seals the bottom of zone creating an open area for 4 to find for an easy layup. The straight 3-2 zone defense is similar to the 1-2-2 zone, except that the middle defender sags into the high post area. It seems simple enough, but our kids continue to struggle with stepping and meeting the offensive player. The couldn't solve it...a team that's supposed to win, what, 5-7 championships?? It can be used well or it can be used poorly. Hi Jasbarr,For youth coaches, I highly advise to teach to man to man defense. TIPS: Have your best shooter be the inside cutter to occupy the attention of the zones wing defender. Then implement what you think will work best. The top two players will pinch towards the middle to stop dribble penetration. Also, not too many players care how many championships they won when they are 13 years old. Quality resource for players and coaches needing FREE basketball plays and basketball drills to help improve basketball skills. First read Zone Offense. However, i do like man-to-man and run this too. from an offensive perspective, running this defense in practice will help players move w/o the ball and identify passing lanes/seams. That irks me when leagues set you up for failure.Here are some other resources that delve into the issue more: Andrea -THIS is one of the things that is wrong with youth basketball.... triple teaming a 3/4 th grader?? So, why shouldn't anyone else use it? As I said in my first post, Miami couldn't solve it against Dallas. My job as a youth coach is to teach concepts, develop players and raise their Basketball IQ. You just don't have to move very much because you only have a small area to cover. Be patient and the wins will come with time. Continuity Zone Offense - Rotation Daniel Murphy 08/24/2015. First, the guards can occasionally come out to trap the ball as it crosses centre. Sorry to hear that, Dave. It works. In the video clip below, we ran this play against a 3-2 zone to begin the quarter. I hate going against a team that just plays a passive zone where 5 players hang out around the paint....they are doing themselves and everyone else a disservice. When a pass is made from the wing to the high wing. Click here, to look at the 1-2-2 zone attack . Youth sports are supposed to develop players for higher levels of basketball. The main reason for this is that the 3-2 zone hard denies the wings from the top of the key and forces the opposition to initiate offense with a skip pass to the corner or to play through the mid-range. D1 & D2 help D5 by getting their hands in any passing lanes to O5. The 3-2 instead focuses on allowing for quick closeouts to perimeter players and limiting dribble penetration from the outside. I am teaching tons of fundamentals to these kids, and the 2/3 zone is just that for us.Regarding Jeff's comments about teaching the zone to 5-10 year olds: I believe it to be the best thing to do. And I think every youth coach should take some time to think about the importance of developing athleticism and fundamentals, and put a little less priority on winning right now. Basketball. Personally I would never want my own child sitting in the back of the zone defense (they are not getting any quicker or more athletic sitting back there with their hand up). I disagree with making your youth team play zone exclusively, but throwing it in now and again, when coached properly, can help players develop higher basketball IQ's and can lead to more wins that will lead to more enjoyment for everyone involved, including the children. We are now 6-1 and we won our game last night by 17 points. If O1 passes to O2, then defender stay with their original matchups. The 2-3 zone is the most commonly used zone defense. Or you can go man to man. Our Gift to You: We had this post turned into a PDF for your convenience! I think that if we could sit in a room and have a nice conversation about basketball, that you would change your mind. I dont'' think one is ''better'' than the other. But don't be surprised if there's more and more European (and foreigners in general) in NBA or NCAA. A basketball zone defense allows you to rely on players guarding specific areas versus guarding actually players, where a man-to-man defense can single out a weaker player and exploit that weakness. Part of me thinks around age 12 or 13 while another part of me says 14 or 15. Why ?for exactly the points argued above by Joe. Since this action is happening right in front of the guard they almost always follow the middle man out opening up the middle of the zone to attack. If it's good enough for Roy Williams who has two national championships then it's good enough for me. Many, many of these kids are playing organized ball for the 1st time. Learn how to design a defense to stop dribbling penetration or passes to the middle. Centre X5 moves up and down the lane as needed, calling cutters etc. This the original set on the 2-3 zone. I do need assistance with what drills I should teach any help is good help thanks to the site and all the coaches out there, remember that kids don't have many choices early in life,but they do choose to play for you. I want to preface this article with this statement: The 2-3 zone defense should not be allowed in youth basketball. Just like you progress a kid in learning math from simple addition and subtraction, to multiplication, and one day to algebra and maybe even calculus, I believe we should do the same with basketball. I've started teaching a 2-3 this season and rebounding has tripled and we're causing many more turnovers. The argument could also be made that high school is the time to learn to play against zones. This is 1-3-1 continuity zone offense used against a 2-3 zone defense. The numbers 1-5 refer to point guard, shooting guard, small forward, power forward, and center, respectively. There is a major difference between the scheming behind the Cuse 2-3 zone and the typical high school zone don't you think?Thanks,BP. A basketball zone defense allows you to rely on players guarding specific areas versus guarding actually players, where a man-to-man defense can single out a weaker player and exploit that weakness. D5 tries to keep O5 as far away from the basket as possible on any shots taken by the offense. Its just that sometimes some players are not fully developed as others and sometimes running a zone is the best for the team at that moment. In most situations you'll want to do everything you can to keep the ball out of the post. I believe that teaching a zone defense is fundamental to basketball. The 3-2 zone offense creates scoring opportunities against the 3-2 zone defense via different offensive actions.. 2-3 (2-1-2) Zone Basketball Defense Summary This zone is similar to the 2-3 zone that Jim Boeheim uses at Syracuse. and normally he gets half the team points. This [tag]basketball defense[/tag] is a little vulnerable against baseline jumpers, and if the ball is shifted down low, this opens up the top of the key. Your two forward/center players will generally be at the two block positions. I coached for over 40 years ( that doesn't make me an expert ) but I can tell you that we knew the kids that came in from zone programs.The reason you are seeing more zones at the high school level is that the lower levels are teaching zones... and there is so much to teach regarding fundamentals of this game they are giving up and going to the zone. plus three free eBooks with over 270 pages of our favorite basketball drills and plays! Put your intended shooter (here O5) as the low person in the stack. We all love the game of basketball. The general starting positions for a 3-2 Zone are the point guard at the top of the zone, guards at the wings, and post players on the low blocks. Just teach them the right way to play. I will read the articles. Just follow the key to understand the diagrams and follow along with the text descriptions. The 1-3-1 Zone also has problems matching up against a 2-1-2 offensive alignment. This content is password protected. Somewhere in the game you are going to have to cover someone... you have to be able to defend on the ball, one pass away and be on the help side. As most have stated here, I have no problem with zone D in high school, but in junior high and earlier, there is no place for it if you are really trying to teach good fundamentals. The 3-2 zone defense is a disruptive half-court zone that forces the opposition out of their regular offensive structure and set plays. Basketball Plays Galore! Using a 2-3 zone teaches kids spacing, to be responsible for a certain area, how to control a certain area, and stops them from chasing a kid around and around and around we go! However, in the last two games, we've given up a grand total of 10 points. If nothing else, zone defense does a much better job of developing an entire team concept because if done properly, opponents cannot easily exploit mismatches like they can in M2M. I teach my guards to shade their opponents outside away from the middle of he paint. I am willing to not win by teaching fundamentals butinterested in the best way to compete. I have years of football coaching but never basketball. Tough to teach them a lot at this age but its a start... maybe by 8 (and I'm guessing because I've never worked with that age group)they will begin to pick up the correct concepts of m2m.... then you have 5 years of teaching that.. they would be great m2m players. Subscribe to our free monthly newsletter to receive new drills, plays, scoring tips and coaching strategies, Remember, a good coach designs plays that have the initial thrust of getting a specific player a shot, but also involve all 5 players on the court. This zone is similar to the 2-3 zone that Jim Boeheim uses at Syracuse. However, to keep things consistent, please visit our youth defense article to discuss this topic: Just watch the kids on the back of the zone, they are not getting quicker. There is a current trend within basketball coaching to utilise match-up zone philosophies and many of these start with the fundamental formation of the 2-3 Zone Defence. I have done it and I know many other coaches have to. I love the drills the site is very helpful. The 1-2-2 Zone is very strong defense to use against an outside shooting team. If you want to learn more about developing the 3-2 Zone to add to your Defense be sure to check out Don Casey's The 3-2 Sliding Zone DVD. The 2-3 is looking to protect the interior, force teams into outside shots, and limit post effectiveness. We change on a certain number of passes.Thank you,Barry. this player must then learn where to position themselves in order to help their team. The forwards rotate up in the passing lanes to the wings, and the centre is the safety protecting the basket. Its weakness is it is vulnerable to good outside shooting, with open areas on the wings, point and high post. It has the advantage of protecting the inside, lane area, and keeps your "bigs" inside. They became lazy.If you want to teach your kids at the young age to defend in zone rather than developping them on the long term, please go ahead. (Prevents Spam). A key aspect of playing zone is constant communication between teammates. So far, the zone is helping me get this done. Often, coaches will spend too much time during practice working on tactics that do not develop the player in the long-run.Now, a team coached by you might do great learning some zone concepts. Simple 1-3-1 Offense to Dominate a 2-3 Zone Defense If you're coaching a youth basketball team, playing against a 2-3 zone can be incredibly difficult. That type of coverage will give up a lot of 3s. Animated basketball play called 2-3 (23) tight. Anytime the ball is passed into the high post it immediately creates a three on two situation and the post should look to feed the open player on the baseline. The straight 3-2 zone defense is similar to the 1-2-2 zone, except that the middle defender sags into the high post area. X4 should be a strong rebounder. It is simply another tool in my box. I hear coaches all the time (just as i do) yell, "Slide!" My zone offense has excellent passing concepts and I employ the passing game listed on this page with all 5 of my players. If a team can't shoot outside, then yes it will work. “Bumping” occurs if a back line defender is out guarding a perimeter player. 3rd 4th grade girls...I have chosen to run man defensive but every other team in the league runs zone. Bill, thank you for your thoughts and input. I respect all posts on here and I'd just like to agree to disagree. The opposite wing (#3) is flashing into the free throw lane area looking for the pass from #2. The 2-3 zone is also effective against poor outside shooting teams. We see almost 90% zone at our middle school level and mostly the 2-3 zone. D2 yells “cutter” and tries to slow O2 down, as do D3 & D5. I don't mean to go overboard on how the league rules dampen the enthusiasm of novice players. Great overload set that can be run at all levels of basketball against 2-3 zone defense. 2-3 INITIAL ALIGNMENT. Its about the almight win.Kudos to you for teaching your kids how to play the game... and m2m D... they will be better for it as they get older. This all sounds great in theory and is probably great in practice if you are a trained coach that's good enough to teach difficult skills in 12 hours of practice during a rec basketball season.However, when you are simply a dad trying to help his son and friends navigate a brutally uneven playing field, a zone gives less experienced kids a chance to avoid the weekly beat downs that come courtesy of advanced players playing down to rec league. If you are new to zone defense, please watch this several times. The 3-2 Sliding Zone Defence places a number of players around the basket and limits the distance that players have to move while still engaging the player with the ball and those offensive players one pass away. The primary goal of a tight, containing 2-3 zone is to keep the ball out of the lane.