population région québec

The upper and lower town are linked by numerous stairs such as the Escalier « casse-cou » (literally "neck-breaking" steps) or the Old Quebec Funicular on the historic Petit Champlain street where many small boutiques are found, not far Notre-Dame-des-Victoires church and Musée de la Civilisation. Décret de population pour 2021 - Municipalités locales, arrondissements, villages nordiques et territoires non organisés (63 Ko) Les décrets de population ne doivent pas être utilisés pour un suivi historique de la population des municipalités, que ce soit à des fins d’analyse démographique ou … The highest temperature ever recorded in Quebec City was 36.1 °C (97 °F) on 17 July 1953. The zoo specialized in winged fauna and garden themes, but also featured several species of mammals. A French counterattack saw a French victory at the Battle of Sainte-Foy (28 April 1760) but the subsequent second Siege of Quebec the following month however saw a final British victory. In English, the city and the province are officially distinguished by the fact that the province does not have an accented é and the city does. Informally, however, the accent is usually omitted in common usage, so the unofficial form "Quebec City" is used to distinguish the city from the province. [93], It has formal agreements with other cities although they are not active anymore as of 2012. The "mystery" was relativized following the 2011 federal election. While it emphasized Quebec's indigenous fauna, one of its main attractions was the Indo-Australian greenhouse, featuring fauna and flora from regions surrounding the Indian Ocean. The Dynamo de Québec a professional soccer club which competes in the Première ligue de soccer du Québec and the Capitales de Québec, which plays in the Frontier League in downtown's Stade Canac. Elles ont été installées à proximité des zones habitables afin de prévenir plus efficacement les conséquences d'éventuelles inondations sur la population. Région administrative 13 : Laval Author: Ministère des Affaires municipales et de l'Habitation, DSTSU Subject: Région administrative, MRC et municipalités Keywords: Municipalité, MRC, Région administrative Created Date: 20200330104134Z Nous vous invitons plutôt à consulter la section Démographie et population  du site de l’Institut de la statistique du Québec. The Government of Quebec then mandated a municipal reorganization in the province, and many suburbs of the north shore of the Saint-Lawrence were merged into Quebec City, taking the form of boroughs. : 819 732-3244 . During World War II, two conferences were held in Quebec City. La Montérégie arrive au 2 e rang, avec 1,6 million d'habitants. However, parts of Limoilou, Saint-Sauveur and particularly Saint-Roch have seen gentrification in the last 20 years, attracting young professionals and the construction of new offices and condos.[53]. Population: 8,164,361; Official language: French Majority group: Francophone (77.1%) Minority groups: Allophone (13.15%), Anglophone (7.45%), Aboriginals (0.6%), native speakers of two languages or more (2.3%) Among the ten provinces of Canada, Quebec is the only one whose majority is francophone. Other large and centrally located parks are Parc Victoria, Parc Maizerets and Cartier-Brébeuf National Historic Site. Quebec City's largest park is the Parc Chauveau (fr), which is crossed by the suburban section of the city-wide Saint-Charles River and is thus also part of the 31 kilometres (19 mi) long Saint-Charles River's linear park. Originally meant to be connected by a tunnel under the city centre, the two sections are separated by a 6 km (3.7 mi) gap. Nonetheless, five of the six seats won by the Conservatives in the province were found in the greater Quebec City area. On 1 November 2009, Quebec City re-organized its boroughs, reducing the number from 8 to 6.[51]. During the American Revolution, revolutionary troops from the southern colonies assaulted the British garrison in an attempt to 'liberate' Quebec City, in a conflict now known as the Battle of Quebec (1775). Ouvrir la page Facebook du Ministère des affaires municipales et de l'habitation, Ouvrir la page Twitter du Ministère des affaires municipales et de l'habitation dans une nouvelle fenêtre, Ouvrir la page LinkedIn du Ministère des affaires municipales et de l'habitation, Questions et réponses à l’intention des municipalités, Aide financière aux municipalités dans le contexte de la pandémie de, Redéfinition des relations Québec-municipalités et statuts des villes de Montréal et de Québec, Fonds d’initiative et de rayonnement de la métropole (FIRM), Municipalités pour l’innovation climatique, Programme de gestion des actifs municipaux (PGAM), Glissements de terrain dans les dépôts meubles, Fiches de bonnes pratiques en aménagement du territoire dans un contexte de changements climatiques, Fiches synthèses régionales d’adaptation aux changements climatiques, Programme de soutien aux municipalités dans la mise en place d’infrastructures de gestion durable des eaux de pluie à la source (PGDEP), Programme de soutien à l’intégration de l’adaptation aux changements climatiques à la planification municipale (PIACC), Programme d’aide financière pour la planification de milieux de vie durables, Changements à l’organisation territoriale municipale, Programme d’aide financière au regroupement municipal, Archives des résultats des élections municipales, Programme de soutien financier aux électeurs faisant une requête pour relever provisoirement un élu municipal de ses fonctions, Cartes de la zone d’intervention spéciale (ZIS) – Montérégie, PRIMEAU volet 2 - Renouvellement de conduites, Programme de la taxe sur l'essence et de la contribution du Québec 2019-2023 (TECQ), Programme de la taxe sur l'essence et de la contribution du Québec 2014-2018 (TECQ), Fonds pour l’eau potable et le traitement des eaux usées (FEPTEU), Nouveau Fonds Chantiers Canada-Québec, volet Fonds des petites collectivités (FPC), Emprunts temporaires dans le cadre de la TECQ 2019-2023, Système de transmission des actes financiers pour approbation (STAFA), Transmission électronique des renseignements, Portrait des démarches de développement durable des organismes municipaux, Démarches de développement durable de collectivités québécoises, Fonds d'initiative et de rayonnement de la métropole, Soutien à la mise en œuvre du Plan métropolitain d’aménagement et de développement, Entente avec la Ville de Montréal pour soutenir des projets pilotes relatifs à l’utilisation de véhicules autonomes électriques, Décret de population pour 2021 - Municipalités locales, arrondissements, villages nordiques et territoires non organisés. Outaouais. The unemployment rate in June 2018 was 3.8%, below the national average (6.0%) and the second lowest of Canada's 34 largest cities, behind Peterborough (2.7%).[63]. Autoroute 573 (Autoroute Henri-IV) connects the city with CFB Valcartier. Within the metropolitan region, Autoroutes 40, 73, and several spur routes link the city centre with its suburbs. [68] It is also hoped that the arena can help Quebec City win a future Winter Olympics games bid. [71] Another researcher put forward the historical factors that led to Montreal surpassing Quebec as the metropolis of British North America in the early 19th century. For example, the concept of "in Quebec" is expressed as "à Québec" for the city and "au Québec" for the province. The lesser coat of arms of France as used by the, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Vieux-Québec–Cap-Blanc–colline Parlementaire, Special Olympics Canada National Winter Games, Service de protection contre les incendies de Québec, École nationale d'administration publique, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Commission des écoles catholiques de Québec, Autoroute 740 (Autoroute Robert-Bourassa), List of regional county municipalities and equivalent territories in Quebec, "Population and Dwelling Count Highlight Tables, 2016 Census", "Census Profile, 2016 Census – Québec [Population centre], Quebec and Ontario [Province]", "Québec, Ville [Census subdivision], Quebec and Québec, Territoire équivalent [Census division], Quebec", "Old Quebec City, Seven Wonders of Canada", "CBC.CA – Seven Wonders of Canada – Your Nominations – Old Quebec City, Quebec", "Fort Charlesbourg Royal National Historic Site of Canada", "KIRKE, SIR DAVID, adventurer, trader, colonizer, leader of the expedition that captured Quebec in 1629, and later governor of Newfoundland", "George R, Proclamation, 7 October 1763 (Royal Proclamation)", "Québec 1608–2008 : 400 ans de statistiques démographiques tirées des recensements", "Ville de Québec – Québec City, Fortress and Port (1756–1867)", "Canadian Military Heritage Volume 2 (1755–1871). As of the census of 1790, Montreal surpassed it with 18,000 inhabitants, but Quebec (pop. It is also the domicile of the sole manufactory of the cigarette maker Rothmans, Benson & Hedges. Estimations de la population, 1 er juillet, selon la région métropolitaine de recensement et l'agglomération de recensement, limites de 2016; ... Région géographique choisie : Québec. The National Assembly of Quebec (provincial legislature), the Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec (National Museum of Fine Arts of Quebec), and the Musée de la civilisation (Museum of Civilization) are found within or near Vieux-Québec. [13] It is the eleventh-largest city and the seventh-largest metropolitan area in Canada. Dépenses des ménages. En raison du vieillissement de la population, plusieurs défis devront être relevés au Québec dans les prochaines années. During winter, snow generally stays on the ground from the end of November till mid-April. However, some disparities exist. The Plains of Abraham are located on the southeastern extremity of the plateau, where high stone walls were integrated during colonial days. 14,000) remained the administrative capital of New France. Le dénombrement est basé sur des estimations faites par l'Institut de la statistique du Québec  en date du 1er juillet 2020. c. D-11, The 37 sites in Quebec City are listed in the. It featured 750 specimens of 300 different species of animals. [58][59] Today, native Anglophones make up only 1.5% of the population of both the city and its metropolitan area. These include Saint Petersburg, Guanajuato City, Huế and Liège and Namur in francophone Belgium. Carl Girouard, the arrestee, reportedly killed 2 people and hospitalized 5 others.[91]. Explorer Samuel de Champlain founded a French settlement here in 1608, and adopted the Algonquin name. [62] CHUQ (the local hospital network) is the city's largest institutional employer, with more than 10,000 employees in 2007. The Orleans Island Bridge links Quebec City with pastoral Orleans Island. There are 37 National Historic Sites of Canada in Quebec City and its enclaves.[46]. La région de Montréal est la plus populeuse du Québec, avec 2 millions d’habitants, soit environ le quart de la population québécoise. Près de la moitié de la population du Québec vit dans une municipalité de grande taille [23], In 1665, there were 550 people in 70 houses living in the city. It is also the second-largest city in the province after Montreal. Thus 1 cm (0.4 in) of snow is equivalent to approximately 1 mm (0.04 in) of water. [70], Since the 1970s, centre-right parties such as Union Nationale, Crédit social, Conservative Party of Canada (CPC), Action démocratique du Québec and Coalition Avenir Québec (CAQ) have been more popular in the Quebec City region than elsewhere in the province. This compares with 5.2% in the province of Quebec, and 5.6% for Canada overall. Mise à jour quotidienne des données par région sociosanitaire du Québec sur la COVID-19. Until 2002, Quebec was a mostly urbanized city and its territory coterminous with today's borough of La Cité-Limoilou. In 1629 it was captured by English privateers, led by David Kirke, during the Anglo-French War. Centre de protection de l’enfance et de la jeunesse de Pikogan 25, rue Migwan Pikogan (Québec) J9T 3A3 Tél. ", "Nouveau découpage des arrondissements - Modifications territoriales", "Où sera le centre-ville de Québec dans le futur? : 819 444-3466 . The Americans did not attack Canada after the War of 1812, but the Citadelle continued to house a large British garrison until 1871. Les trajets de et vers Sept-Îles et Baie-Comeau reprendront à raison d’un aller quotidien du vendredi au lundi. [citation needed]. Major cities found in Quebec include Montreal, which is the second largest city in the nation, and Quebec City, the capital of Quebec. [67] The project was funded regardless of whether an NHL team arrives. [47] Historically this was the site of the Battle of the Plains of Abraham (1759), a decisive British victory in the Seven Years' War which ended French rule in what would become Canada, and the later Battle of Quebec (1775) during the American Revolutionary War, where the British were able to hold onto its last stronghold in the Northern extent of its North American territory. In 1868, The School of Artillery was formed in Montreal.[29]. [76] Also, compared to the rest of the province, people of the area may favor harsher criminal sentences, and lower-class households may share political views more in line with those earning more. Chaudière-Appalaches. ", "Évolution démographique des 10 principales villes du Québec (sur la base de 2116) selon leur limites territoriales actuelles1, Recensements du Canada de 1871 à 2011", "Census Profile, 2016 Census – Québec, Ville [Census subdivision], Quebec and Canada [Country]", "Census Profile, 2016 Census Québec, Ville [Census subdivision], Quebec and Québec, Territoire équivalent [Census division], Quebec", "Voice of English-speaking Québec: A Portrait of the English-speaking Community in Quebec", "Canada's largest employers by city, 2007: Quebec City", "Here's a quick glance at unemployment rates for June, by Canadian city", Québec City: Economy, transportation, and labour force, "History of Major Special Olympics Canada (SOC) Events", "Quebecor joins arena plan, eyes NHL team | Hockey | Sports", "The Quebec gravy train chugs off without Ottawa on board for once", "Quebec City plans $400 million arena to attract NHL team, Winter Olympics — ESPN", "Quebec city FIS Cross-Country World Cup 2019", "Politique : un chercheur perce une partie du " mystère Québec, "Le mystère de Québec: les moins bien nantis rejettent la gauche", "Seeking clues to Quebec City's ballot box mystery", "Quebec's 'Trash Radio' Host Fires Up Outrage, and Big Ratings", "Quebec City gives NDP control over the region", "2017 Police-reported Crime Severity Index and crime rate, by census metropolitan area", "Quebec City closing in on a year without murder", "Bas taux d'homicide: fiche impressionnante pour Québec", "Suspect in Quebec mosque terror attack was of Moroccan origin, reports show", "Police-reported crime statistics in Canada, 2017", "Hate crimes targeting Muslims doubled in 2017, says Quebec City police chief", "Reported hate crimes jumped in Quebec City in year prior to mosque shooting", "Halloween Stabbing Attack in Quebec City Leaves 2 Dead", "Projet de prolongement de l'axe du Vallon", "Québec fait le ménage dans ses jumelages", 2000–06 municipal reorganization in Quebec, Saint-Louis-de-Gonzague-du-Cap-Tourmente², https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Quebec_City&oldid=1009302226, Quebec populated places on the Saint Lawrence River, French mission settlements in North America, Pages with non-numeric formatnum arguments, Articles with dead external links from September 2018, Articles with French-language sources (fr), Short description is different from Wikidata, All Wikipedia articles written in Canadian English, Articles needing additional references from January 2020, All articles needing additional references, Pages using infobox settlement with possible motto list, Pages using infobox settlement with image map1 but not image map, Articles containing Algonquin-language text, Articles needing additional references from April 2016, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2011, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2018, Pages using Sister project links with hidden wikidata, Pages using Sister project links with default search, Official website different in Wikidata and Wikipedia, Wikipedia articles with CANTIC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz area identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SELIBR identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SNAC-ID identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Wikipedia articles with multiple identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, The linear park named Promenade Samuel-De Champlain (, The Roger-Van den Hende Botanical Garden (, This page was last edited on 27 February 2021, at 21:26. Three school boards, including Commission scolaire de la Capitale, operate secular francophone schools, and Central Quebec School Board operates the few existing anglophone ones. Regular sporting events held in the city include the Coupe Banque Nationale, a Women's Tennis Association tournament; Crashed Ice, an extreme downhill skating race; Quebec City International Pee-Wee Tournament, a minor hockey tournament; and the Tour de Québec International cycling stage race. [66] In December 2011, Quebec City hosted the ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating Final at the Pavillon de la Jeunesse at ExpoCité. Blair, Louisa. The Parliament Building, the meeting place of the Parliament of Quebec, is also near the Citadelle. In addition, more than a third of city residents reported speaking both French and English. Richard Preston 'Canada's RMC: A History of the Royal Military College of Canada' published by the RMC Club by U of Toronto Press. Quebec City has hosted a number of recent sporting events, as well as being shortlisted for the 2002 Winter Olympics city selection. Quebec accounts for 24% of Canada's total population. On average, Quebec City receives 1,190 millimetres (46.85 in) of precipitation, of which 899 millimetres (35.39 in) is rain and 303 millimetres (11.93 in) is the melt from 316 centimetres (124.4 in) of snowfall per annum. [80], The city is protected by Service de police de la Ville de Québec and Service de protection contre les incendies de Québec (fire dept.) Liste. Both usually belong to political parties and are elected at the same time every 4 years. Quebec has an estimated population of 8.18 million, which makes it the second-most populous province in Canada. [75] Over the years, this genre has been qualified by its detractors as radio poubelle (fr) ("trash radio") and hosts like Jeff Fillion and André Arthur likened to shock jocks. [82] Still, eight homicides occurred the following year. The name "Canada" refers to this settlement. The Second Quebec Conference was held in 1944, and was attended by Churchill and Roosevelt. Quebec City is one of the oldest European cities in North America. Nombre de cas confirmés, cas actifs, décès, hospitalisations et soins intensifs. Quebec was founded by Samuel de Champlain, a French explorer and diplomat, on 3 July 1608,[21][22] and at the site of a long abandoned St. Lawrence Iroquoian settlement called Stadacona. [26] It was then made the capital of Lower Canada by the Constitutional Act of 1791. Capitale-Nationale. Ces données sont la référence pour l’application des lois et des règlements ainsi que pour la gestion des programmes gouvernementaux. Quebec City has the oldest educational institution for women in North America, led by the Ursulines of Quebec, which is now a private elementary school. Thus, Québec is officially spelled with an accented é in both Canadian English and French.[16][17][18]. [79] The boroughs are further divided into 35 neighbourhoods, which also have councils devoted to public consultations, each led by 11 citizens. The park offers views of the St. Lawrence River and has multiple historical structures and statues like the Joan of Arc on Horseback and a couple of Martello Towers. In 2016, 6.4% of Quebec City residents reported visible minority status, a relatively low figure for a large city; the national average was 22.3%. Les décrets de population ne doivent pas être utilisés pour un suivi historique de la population des municipalités, que ce soit à des fins d’analyse démographique ou d’aménagement du territoire. The councilors are elected by first-past-the-post voting while the mayor is elected by the city at-large. Quebec City is an important hub in the province's autoroute system, as well as boasting one of the highest "expressway lane kilometres per 1000 persons" in the country (1.10 km), behind Calgary (1.74), Hamilton (1.61) and Edmonton (1.24). Much of the city's notable traditional architecture is located in Vieux-Québec (Old Quebec), within and below the fortifications. According to Statistics Canada, 94.6% of Quebec City's population spoke French as their mother tongue. Les intervenants du Centre de prévention du suicide de Québec sont disponibles 24/7. The Quebec Conference on Canadian Confederation was held in the city in 1864. Before the Royal Military College of Canada was established in 1876, the only French-speaking officer training school was the Quebec City School of Military Instruction, founded in 1864. Parc Aquarium du Québec, which reopened in 2002 on a site overlooking the Saint Lawrence River, features more than 10,000 specimens of mammals, reptiles, fish and other aquatic fauna of North America and the Arctic. Other tourist attractions include Montmorency Falls, and, just outside the city limits, the Basilica of Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré, the Mont-Sainte-Anne ski resort, and the Ice Hotel. Québec: Commission de la capitale nationale du Québec & Éditions Sylvain Harvey, 2005. Le transporteur Intercar a annoncé la relance graduelle de ses liaisons entre Sept-Îles, Baie-Comeau et Québec à partir du 26 mars. Autoroute 440 comprises two separate autoroutes to the west and east of the urban core. [53], Quebec City is known for its Winter Carnival, its summer music festival and its Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day celebrations. The Anglos: The Hidden Face of Quebec City. Compared to many other cities in North America, there is less variation between average household incomes between the neighbourhoods. The city's landmarks include the Château Frontenac hotel that dominates the skyline and the Citadelle of Quebec, an intact fortress that forms the centrepiece of the ramparts surrounding the old city and includes a secondary royal residence. Ils ont accès à une panoplie de rabais et privilèges aux quatre coins du Québec et même outre-mer. [48] Among others, there is also the beach of Beauport Bay, as well as the Marais du Nord (north-end marsh land). Although the Acadian settlement at Port-Royal was established three years earlier, Quebec came to be known as the cradle of North America's Francophone population. The RTC is studying the return of a tramway system to help ease overcrowding on its busiest lines as well as attract new users to public transit. Despite its urbanity and its status as capital, Quebec City remained a small colonial city with close ties to its rural surroundings. All five ridings within the city were won by the leftist New Democratic Party, in the so-called "orange wave" that temporarily swept the province. Autoroute 20 parallels the south shore of the St. Lawrence River, linking Quebec City with Montreal and Toronto to the west and Rivière-du-Loup, Rimouski, and the Maritime Provinces to the east. [73] Along with the city's lesser support for Quebec sovereignty, this led political pundits to speculate about a "Quebec City mystery". It has seven league titles, won in 2006, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2017. France ceded New France, including the city, to Britain in 1763[25] when the French and Indian War officially ended. On the northern foot of the promontory, the lower town neighbourhoods of Saint-Roch and Saint-Sauveur (fr), traditionally working class,[31] are separated from uptown's Saint-Jean-Baptiste and Saint-Sacrement (fr) by a woody area attested as Coteau Sainte-Geneviève [fr]. The largest visible minority group were Black Canadians, who formed 2.4% of the population. The area was affected by the 1925 Charlevoix–Kamouraska earthquake. The city currently has two professional teams. Old Quebec is located on top and at the foot of Cap-Diamant, which is on the eastern edge of a plateau called the promontory of Quebec (Quebec hill). Nous constituons la structure portante du réseau de la santé Le proche aidant désigne toute personne de l’entourage qui apporte un soutien significatif, continu ou occasionnel, à titre non professionnel à une personne ayant une incapacité ou une déficience, qu’elle soit physique ou mentale. Quebec was the headquarters of many raids against New England during the four French and Indian Wars. [85] For the year 2017, the number of reported incidents investigated as hate crimes by the city police increased from 57 to 71, and for those specifically targeting Muslims from 21 to 42. It is still in use by the military and is also a tourist attraction. Two bridges (the Quebec Bridge and Pierre Laporte Bridge) and a ferry service connect the city with Lévis and its suburbs along the south shore of the Saint Lawrence River. Late heat waves as well as "Indian summers" are a common occurrence. Faites le plein d’économies dans toutes les sphères de votre vie! [60] However, the summer tourist season and the Quebec Winter Carnival attract significant numbers of Anglophone (as well as Francophone) visitors, and English can often be heard in areas frequented by tourists. Spring and fall, although short, bring chilly to warm temperatures. The defeat of the revolutionaries from the south put an end to the hopes that the peoples of Quebec would rise and join the American Revolution so that Canada would join the Continental Congress and become part of the original United States of America along with the other British colonies of continental North America. 790 Antoine-Labelle 780 Les Laurentides 770 Les Pays-d'en-Haut 750 La Rivière-du-Nord 760 Argenteuil 730 Thérèse-De Blainville 74005 Mirabel 720 Deux-Montagnes Cette région présente un fort potentiel de développement avec un grand nombre de parcs industriels et de terrains disponibles pour la construction. The population of the settlement remained small for decades. Most jobs in Quebec City are concentrated in public administration, defence, services, commerce, transport and tourism. On compte parmi ceux-ci la pérennité de la culture entrepreneuriale. Nearby inhabitants traded their farm surpluses and firewood for imported goods from France at the two city markets. Il est donc d’une importance capitale de favoriser l’entrepreneuriat chez les jeunes afin d’assurer la relève. L’indice de la qualité de l’air (IQA) est un outil d’information et de sensibilisation conçu pour renseigner la population sur la qualité de l’air de leur région, tel que le prévoit l’article 47 de la Loi sur la qualité de l’environnement (LQE). Quebec City is governed by a mayor–council government, which includes the 21 single-member districts of the legislative Quebec City Council and the separately elected mayor. In that time many battles and sieges took place: the Battle of Beauport, a French victory (31 July 1759); the Battle of the Plains of Abraham, in which British troops under General James Wolfe defeated the French General Louis-Joseph de Montcalm on 13 September 1759 and shortly thereafter took the city after a short siege. Children under five accounted for approximately 4.7% of the resident population of Quebec City. The two billion dollar revitalization project needs approval from higher levels of government since the city does not have the financial resources to fund such an ambitious project on its own. Quebec City (/ k w ɪ ˈ b ɛ k / or / k ə ˈ b ɛ k /; French: Ville de Québec, officially Québec ( ()), is the capital city of the Canadian province of Quebec.As of July 2016 the city had a population of 531,902, and the metropolitan area had a population of 800,296.