défense 2 3 zone basketball

All skills are taught around this concept. 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If your goal is DEVELOP PLAYERS and give them the best opportunity to be GOOD when they are older, then there is no doubt the man to man defense is better...Man defense develops foot speed, foot coordination, athleticism, and eventually if you can play really good man, you'll be able to play an even better zone when you get older. I have seen Al Marshall go to man on more than one occasion. Its too bad we cant have some sort of Webinar to discuss this concept. usually the center(5) is afraid to committ to the man at the free throw line(easy free throw shot); or center(5) will move up and the man cutting below the rim is wide open (usually 3 and 4 don't cover); if center(5) moves up and a forward(3 or 4) covers the cutter, then a pass can be made to the wide open man on that corner of the 3 point line. Start with a low double stack set (diagram A), with guards O2 and O3 on the left lane line, and post players O4 and O5 on the right lane line. See Al Marshall's Aggressive 2-3 Zone Defense and 2-3 Zone Defense. As the offense sets up, the defense matches up as shown. Since we are fast approaching the game season, the director has asked me to start preparing my players by introducing offensive and defensive zone. And I think every youth coach should take some time to think about the importance of developing athleticism and fundamentals, and put a little less priority on winning right now. Basketball Plays Galore! What I hear you saying is more about wins than teaching the fundamentals of the game... and it all starts with m2m defense.It takes a lot of time and hard work to teach proper m2m defense, I understand that. If O1 passes to O2, then defender stay with their original matchups. the youth team i coach is blessed with good size from the point and 4 and 5 positions. And, no, I don't run the zone because I'm trying to win games. Guards X1 and X2 play on the foul line extended, and are allowed one step below this. And when I start A.A.U. We are working on learning what a ZONE defense is. I just think that with more experience, you will change your mind. We change on a certain number of passes.Thank you,Barry. You can also use it as a trapping defense. 1-2-2 (3-2) Zone Reads & Counters. These defenses are effective because kids are weaker and they haven’t developed the technical and/or tactical skills needed to beat zones and traps.I actually go back and forth on what age we should start implementing zone concepts. The program at the local community center is less formal and competitive, so I did not develop any "formal" coaching strategies that target "real" game playing. There is nothing wrong with playing some Zone. But we usually get good looks against teams that do that... either shots from outside or drives for a pull up or draw bottom defenders and hit inside players.When running zone defense at higher levels, we scout and know shooters and show we must get out on and who we want to shoot outside. Great overload set that can be run at all levels of basketball against 2-3 zone defense. Alot of college teams run a zone defense (Syracuse for one) and some NBA teams are also using a zone. So, I teach both. Only after hours and hours of perfect practice will you be ready to DOMINATE! Subscribe to our free monthly newsletter to receive three free eBooks with over 270 pages of content! My 14+ league is currently 4-0 with leades as high as 30 points. However, to keep things consistent, please visit our youth defense article to discuss this topic: http://www.breakthroughbasketball.com/defense/age.html. Furthermore, the 3-2 zone offense makes use of ball reversal to shift the zone as well as motion offense concepts to generate scoring opportunities. I would say that a few hours of teaching the zone is the main reason I have 10 boys really liking the game and actually improving multiple skills. Youth sports are supposed to develop players for higher levels of basketball. Most coaches at some time in their coaching career have used the defence in passing or as a regular staple. Fourteen plus fourteen is equal to? They became lazy.If you want to teach your kids at the young age to defend in zone rather than developping them on the long term, please go ahead. Forwards X3 and X4 start on and play level with the blocks. Your two forward/center players will generally be at the two block positions. I also think for the betterment of basketball in the U.S., if we give the youth coach less to concentrate on such as learning how to handle zone defenses and traps, they can be more effective in teaching their players the appropriate skills that will make them better overall players at the higher levels. You can run it to either side. 1. I have done it and I know many other coaches have to. when a trap is employed, that leaves a player open. D1 bumps D4 down to guard O2 and D2 rotates over to fill in for D1. zone or man, i tried both, still he is unstoppable.maybe i need to improve my team's one on one defense and help side/double team.what do you think? Now “O” overloads the opposite side as O3 makes the cut. Right on, C!There is nothing wrong with playing zone defense. Notice that you will have an easy reversal unless the other guard steps out to play that pass. The 3-2 zone offense creates scoring opportunities against the 3-2 zone defense via different offensive actions.. dribble penetration. When wouldn't you have #2 slide down to take him instead of #5? The result last season was an 8-0 record. Younger kids cant shoot from the perimeter very well, so what does that teach them... ok, enough for here, see you on the other thread. We talk about "not letting the roof cave in" which helps our players visualize keeping the ball above the zone and not allowing interior penetration. Understanding how a zone works helps them beat a zone and understanding how to play a zone really helps them understand defensive concepts of protecting an area and challenging the ball when it comes into your area. The 2 3 zone defense is the most commonly used zone defense. To me there are just too many benefits to developing players LONG TERM that there is just no argument for zone defense as your "primary" defense, unless you are just out there to win. The 2-3 zone is the most common zone used in the half-court. I'm currently coaching a freshman boys team and its my first year and I'm looking for some advice on the zone. my coach runs this and 2 3 defence but ther are times when i have no clue what to do when they get into somthing like Entry into the High Post from the Wing, Translation to English from dictionary.com :)Defensive 2-3 is very useful when we have fighting equipment and with several elements of good saltabiidad and fÃcilidad to move, its only weakness ironically is in center, around the free shot where it is possible to be placed a post and to be worked easily with advantages, if it is good well-taken care of gunner so that the game is lost, or if it knows to even divide is but dangerous, but always I go with the advice of the first defense of man to man, is a very good article applying it with well-taken care of and not only copying a defense. Doesn't mean you can't run zone or that it's evil. ave 36 pts and 15 rebs a game. The call is always on the 2nd pass. Animated basketball play called 3-2 zone press. La defensiva 2-3 es muy util cuando tenemos equipos combativos y con varios elementos de buena saltabiidad y fácilidad para desplazarse, su unica debilidad se encuentra ironicamente en el centro, a la altura del tiro libre donde se puede colocar un poste y trabajar facilmente con ventajas , si el es buen tirador cuidado por que se pierde el juego, o si sabe dividir aun es mas peligroso, pero siempre voy con el consejo de primero la defensa de hombre a hombre, es un muy buen articulo aplicandolo con cuidado y no solo por copiar una defensa. Our Gift to You: We had this post turned into a PDF for your convenience! 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It is also a defense to consider late in the game to protect a hard earned lead when the opponent must shoot three point shots in a disperation attempt to catch up. Since this action is happening right in front of the guard they almost always follow the middle man out opening up the middle of the zone to attack. I have NO problem with that.What we want to see is youth coaches teaching fundamentals and playing m2m allowing their kids to learn and enjoy the game. It is simply another tool in my box. Then, add two offensive players in the post and play 5 defense on 7 offense. And I saw it with my very own eyes : last year some 16 years old boys had to play with our second men team (there's no real school basketball in Europe, mostly organizations) which plays in the lowest league where zones are common for the simple reasons that there's 40ish guys playing, that the guys there aren't fit so they just stay in the key. I am teaching tons of fundamentals to these kids, and the 2/3 zone is just that for us.Regarding Jeff's comments about teaching the zone to 5-10 year olds: I believe it to be the best thing to do. The 1-2-2 Zone is very strong defense to use against an outside shooting team. 2-3 ZONE DEFENSE. BP - You can extend the zone to half court, trap the first pass, trap corners, and pinch to put pressure on the guards. I've read with interest everyone's posts regarding teaching of zpme defenses. So when they are winning by using a 1-3-1 half court trap, they think it’s the best defense to use and they use it all of the time. The 3-2 zone defense is used when you are playing a team who has strong perimeter shooters, weaker post game, and who are slower to push the fast break. We have 10 boys and 3 have never played the game before this season and a couple with one season under their belt. In most situations you'll want to do everything you can to keep the ball out of the post. Or you can go man to man. And I've seen how this concept especially equates to the 5-10 y/o kids.But this 2-3 zone defense has also had a nice impact on the offense as well. The 5 should play behind and wait for the 4 to collapse down and help. Devin - It depends. I want to preface this article with this statement: The 2-3 zone defense should not be allowed in youth basketball. Mr. Haefner great website!I play alot of pickup basketball and the 2-3 zone is the most popular defense. Are you talking about some over 30 or 40 year old league?I respect every comment made here, I really do. "A Conversation For Great Shooting", by Tom Nordland, Part 1 - This is the first in a series of articles on the art and skill of shooting a basketball for this website. Break down the 2-3 zone defense into drills, so that rotations become a habit, without players having to think about it. The top 2 guys must be close enough to touch hands. Now, 1 has the entire middle of the floor in which to work. I don't have 40 years experience, but when I turn on the TV I see "tons" of college games that employ the zone. This [tag]basketball defense[/tag] is a little vulnerable against baseline jumpers, and if the ball is shifted down low, this opens up the top of the key. In most cases the players are better off if youth coaches teach man to man. First, the guards can occasionally come out to trap the ball as it crosses centre. Part of me thinks around age 12 or 13 while another part of me says 14 or 15. Since its 2-3 alignment allows teams to keep their big players inside, it is very strong in protecting the basket area and against dribble penetration. Youth Coaches : Even though, you CAN win more games, AVOID playing any type of zone defense, because it can teach bad habits and hinder the long-term development of your players. I am willing to not win by teaching fundamentals butinterested in the best way to compete. Personally, I think man-to-man would be a better start. Their overall ball handling and shooting skills are not firm, in the sense that most ball control would be lost in running and games. my tallest player is 5inches smaller, what defense is best to use against him? The 1-3-1 Zone also has problems matching up against a 2-1-2 offensive alignment. History. Hi all, some insides from abroad (Europe) if you don't mind. The 3-2 Sliding Zone Defence places a number of players around the basket and limits the distance that players have to move while still engaging the player with the ball and those offensive players one pass away. The 3-2 zone defense implements perimeter ball pressure and heavy low post defense to limit scoring opportunities for the offensive team. what is the best offense to stop the triple team of my one ball handler..we are working hard to get the other girls to be their best at handling the ball, we just have first year players. Just follow the key to understand the diagrams and follow along with the text descriptions. © Copyright 2021 Breakthrough Basketball, LLC. 1 & 2 (guards) get up to defend the 3-point line while the 3 players in the back line will line up with the first marker above the block. We will also change from 2-3 zone to m2m within a possession. Furthermore, the 3-2 zone offense makes use of ball reversal to shift the zone as well as motion offense concepts to generate scoring opportunities. Win or lose, they are showing signs of improvement.I want to teach the boys the right skills, but I think they need to get some confidence and like the game first. It can be a very effective zone defense, because it still covers the 3-point arc as well as the inside game. Hi Jeff!It all makes sense! I think every defense (zone, match up, junk, or man) is based on man to man principles. Teaching them a zone at this age could develop some bad habits that won't work at the higher levels.Personally, I would front him and look for backside rotation to deflect the lob.Another thing to keep in mind. Matt & Dave have invited me to contribute a 500 word article each month, which they will feature... Read entire lesson here... Homepage | Sitemap | Return to top | Privacy Policy | Terms of Use. The "51 Tough" defense uses trapping and deny opportunities to make it more aggressive than the containing 2-3 zone. Sometimes all 5 players were standing near each other looking for the ball. Continuity Zone Offense - Rotation Daniel Murphy 08/24/2015. The Al Marshall DVD was detailed and very well done! Thanks for the clear 2-3 zone explanation, very clear !Cheers. Centre X5 moves up and down the lane as needed, calling cutters etc. So, why shouldn't anyone else use it? But ask John Chaney, Jim Boeheim, John Belein, or Bob Huggins about some zone defense and their eyes will light up. Start teaching the zone with: 5 guys on the perimeter. Do you have any suggestions on how to present this (given the fact that I am compelled to do so) to a group of boys who are at different levels-- some without any clues about their positions and game-related concepts? But don't be surprised if there's more and more European (and foreigners in general) in NBA or NCAA. The 2-3 zone defense is the most commonly used zone defense, designed to stop the inside game. 2-3 Rotation on Pass to the Wing. Syracuse 2-3 zone Part 2. GIRLS DISTRICT BASKETBALL. With a shot blocker at the 5 spot and whalaa, great defense.As I said in my prior post: zone defense teaches many great fundamentals which includes spacing, responsibility to an area, etc. The names given to zone defenses start with the number of players on the front of the zone (farthest from the goal) followed by the numbers of players in the rear zones.