Heavy snowfall is recorded at altitudes of 5000 feet caused by the occasional blizzards from the northwest region of the country. This bike is powered by 110 engine which generates Maximum power 4.8 Kw @ 7500 rpm and its maximum torque is 7 N.m @ 5500 rpm. The sixth offensive consisted of a series of sweeps conducted by motorized units and by airborne Spetsnaz units, launched from their bases in the Panjshir, to find and destroy the Mujahideen hideouts. A single moment in time defined him and has been affecting him for the last twenty-six years. [5] The Soviet units involved were the 108th Motor Rifle Division, 201st Motor Rifle Division, the 103rd Guards Airborne Division, who each contributed one regiment, the 66th Separate Motor Rifle Brigade, elements of the 860th Separate Motor-Rifle Regiment, the 191st Separate Motor-Rifle Regiment and the 345th Independent Guards Airborne Regiment. Panjshir in the Mirror of Civilization (Part 35) General Deen Mohammad Jurat is an ethnic Tajik from Panjshir educated person who was born in Rokha District Panjshir Province.General Deen Mohammad Jurat was a top commander of Ahmad Shah Massoud anti … Local legend has it that the five brothers built a dam for Sultan Mahmud of Ghazniin the early 11th century AD. They were the targets for Massoud's counterattacks. This also contributes to the reader’s understanding of the kind of impact the civil war had on the cities and the lifestyle of the people that lived in those cities. This importance is shown in The Kite Runner when the author states that “the Khyber Pass was as famous for its terrain as for the bandits wh… During the 5th and 6th offensives the Soviets suffered up to 3,000 casualties, and 1,000 Afghan Army soldiers defected to the Mujahideen.[15]. However, it quickly became apparent that most of Massoud's forces had escaped the onslaught, and were still able to carry out their harassment tactics. The highest altitude on land is Mount Nowshak with an estimated height of 7,485 meters (24, 558ft), whereas the lowest point on land is Amu Darya River with an estimated height of 258 meters (846ft). To avoid civilian casualties, all 30,000 inhabitants of the Panjshir (from a population of 100,000 before the war) were evacuated to safe areas. Click Here to find Runner motorcycle showroom near you. The group escorting the captured Afghan officers was caught in the open by Soviet helicopters, and in the ensuing fight most of the prisoners were killed, with both sides projecting on each other the responsibility for the incident. Hollowed-out caves were used as supply depots and shelters. Panjshir in the Mirror of Civilization (32) My name is Sayed Hussain Yousafi, from Mata, Khinch, and Panjshir Province, Afghanistan.I was born in 25-10-1977.We migrated to Kabul I do not know the exact year. AFP, "Afghan Hero Massoud's Assassination a Prelude to 9/11" Clark, Kate. In addition, the accurate description of the Panjshir Valley also helps the reader understand the impact of the civil war on the regional geography of Afghanistan. For his actions, Aushev was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.[5]. The author makes an accurate use of this fact when Kabul is invaded by the Soviet Union and Amir is forced to migrate to Pakistan with his father. Has the author accurately described the topography of Afghanistan? UN Photo/H… During the four-day operation, the Soviets claimed to have inflicted heavy casualties on the rebels but the Mujahideen newspaper "Call of Jihad" put their losses at four killed. Several battalion strength forces were placed at key passes leading out of the Panjshir Valley while at the same time large helicopter troop landings were made in tributary valleys connected to the Panjshir. The following quote represents this demonstration: “He was taking us to Jalalabad about 170 kilometers southeast of Kabul…to drive us across the Khyber Pass and into Peshawar” (Hosseini, 142). The foundations serve today for a modern reservoir. It was accompanied by a heavy aerial bombardment of villages suspected of harbouring rebel groups, notably carried out by Tu-16 bombers flying from inside the Soviet Union. The rebels deliberately let the Soviet/DRA force into the valley and ambushed them as they withdrew. As Amir travels through Afghanistan, the author uses this as an opportunity to tell the reader about various landmarks that are prominent in the country, the different cities, and other relevant information related to the topography of Afghanistan. Here we see Amir describing his escape to Pakistan through the Khyber Pass due to the Soviet invasion. View The kite runner.docx from HUMA 1780 at York University. the-kite-runner-af-khaled-hobeini 1/4 Downloaded from www.liceolefilandiere.it on January 19, 2021 by guest [Book] The Kite Runner Af Khaled Hobeini If you ally craving such a referred the kite runner af khaled hobeini ebook that will pay for you worth, acquire the enormously best seller from us currently from several preferred authors. The Panjshir offensives (Russian: Панджшерские операции – Panjsher Operations) were a series of battles between the Soviet Army and groups of Afghan Mujahideen under Ahmad Shah Massoud for the control of the strategic Panjshir Valley, during the Soviet–Afghan War in the period from 1980 to 1985.. At no point does Hosseini guarantee that Amir’s difficulties are over or that Sohrab will fully heal, but by the end of The Kite Runner—as Amir carefreely runs after a kite “with a smile as wide as the Valley of Panjsher”—there is a clear sense that Amir is moving forward with responsibility and compassion, and there is reason to hope for these characters’ futures. The Valley is known for its overwhelming scenery and “is located about 60 miles from Kabul and stretches for 62 miles to the Anjoyman Pass.” (South Asia Tourism Society) The Valley is now somewhat damaged due to the civil war between the Soviets and the Taliban. Nov 26, 2018 - View of Panjshir Valley, Afghanistan. [13] However, most of the rebels had escaped capture, and this was not the decisive victory the Soviets had been hoping for. Negotiated by Massoud in person with a colonel of the GRU, Anatoly Tkachev,[5] the agreement stipulated that Soviet troops should evacuate the Panjshir, except for a small garrison at Anava, whose access was controlled by the Mujahideen. The 9th offensive was carried out in reprisal for the destruction of the DRA garrison at Peshgur, during which Massoud's mobile groups took 500 prisoners including 126 officers and killed a brigadier of the Afghan Army. On November 8, a convoy of government trucks escorted by Soviet armoured vehicles reached the besieged post. (Ellicot and Gall, 3) Furthermore, the central highlands formed by the Hindu Kush are extensions of the Himalayas. The Khyber Pass is a significant link between the two countries, Afghanistan and Pakistan. The weather is more extreme on the high altitudes compared to the lower landscape of the country. These battles saw some of the most violent fighting of the whole war. (Encyclopedia Britannica, 76) It is also important to note that the greater of precipitation falls between December and April (i.e. The description of landmarks such as Khyber Pass and the Panjhsir Valley contributes to the understanding of the reader as the reader is better able to understand the significance of why Amir uses the Khyber Pass to escape Kabul. He completed his Master’s Degree in the Military Academy of Kiev in the field of military command and radio-telecommunication engineering. The Kite Runner begins with our thus-far nameless protagonist explaining that the past cannot be forgotten. It involved three Soviet battalions, of which one was the fourth battalion of the 56th Guards Air Assault Brigade led by Captain Leonid Khabarov, and 1000 men of the Afghan army and security forces. In The Kite Runner, the reader can see that the author has worked hard not only to give quantitative facts about the geography of Afghanistan, but also the qualitative features of the subtopics that this report has explored. 2-okt-2015 - Deze pin is ontdekt door Daisy Carter. The Mujahideen admitted to 25 killed in their own ranks but claimed to have inflicted 500 casualties on their opponents and shot down several helicopters. Since the central highlands are clearly visible from the city of Kabul, it is essential for the author to precisely indicate how they look from such a distance. Ontdek (en bewaar!) Panjshir Valley. Sources . In most case, the kite fly… (Behnke, 15) As the country developed, the city of Kabul became the largest urban center in Afghanistan. Kite fighting is a key cultural element of The Kite Runner that temporarily yet drastically improves the relationship between Amir and his father, Baba. It is also important to note that the author has not only described Kabul, but has also mentioned cities that are relevant to the plot of the story. In January 1983, for the first time a ceasefire was concluded between the Soviets and the Mujahideen, lasting 6 months, and later extended. Khyber Pass – One of the famous landmarks of Afghanistan is the Khyber Pass, which extends from Kabul (Afghanistan) to Peshawar (Pakistan). Most of the Mujahideen had survived the attack and Massoud divided them into small, mobile groups that fought the Soviets all down the valley. All rights reserved. Massoud, who expected an attack similar to the previous ones, had disposed his defenses close to the entrance of the valley, and was thus unable to prevent the Soviets from gaining footholds in the Panjshir. Khyber Pass’ terrain is known as steep and narrow “at 1020 metres elevation, where the Khyber River (Khyber Khwar) leaves the pass to the south.” (South Asia Tourism Society) Due to the Afghan civil war, Refugees used Khyber Pass as their escape route into Pakistan. During one battle, on April 30 in the Hazara Valley, the 1st Battalion of the 682nd Motor Rifle Regiment was decimated: the losses of Soviet troops were estimated at 60 killed. While Andropov had supported the ceasefire, Chernenko, a disciple of Brezhnev, believed that the guerrillas should be rooted out through military action, an opinion which he shared with Babrak Karmal, president of the DRA. Once the height of the offensive had passed, many areas captured by the Soviet forces were handed over to Afghan army units, who suffered from low morale and high desertion rates. It included for the first time a heliborne landing by air assault troops. These included: How has the author described the different famous landmarks of Afghanistan in relation to the plot of the story? He explains that state of “buildings that hadn’t entirely collapsed, barely stood, with caved in roofs and walls pierced with rocket shells” (Hosseini, 315). Its price is Tk 91,000.00. Eventually, in September, the Soviet-DRA forces once again evacuated the Panjshir Valley, leaving occupying forces only in the lower Panjshir.[18]. [3] The bottom line though was that these victories were temporary. [20] Through this channel, and thanks to his agents in the DRA government, Massoud had a precise idea of the Soviet plans, and he was able to counter them. This tactic had some success as in order to rebuild his organization Massoud was forced to sign a cease fire treaty in January 1983 that would last for one year. Every ... , The Kite Runner. Once the strength of Massoud's forces were dealt such a deadly blow, rather than withdrawing from the valley as they had previously done they began setting up a system of forts and posts throughout the main valley while relinquishing control of the side valleys. This moment was in 1975 when he was twelve years old and hid near a crumbling alleyway in his hometown of Kabul, Afghanistan. Copyright © 2021 CustomWritings. Has the author accurately portrayed the climate of the country in different seasons, with particular focus on the climate of Kabul? In some areas the fighting was intense: when a Soviet paratrooper regiment landed east of Rukha, it was quickly encircled and suffered significant losses. The novel, The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini, depicts the regional geography of Afghanistan in great detail. The Khyber Pass is a significant link between the two countries, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Kabul – Located around the banks of Kabul River, the city was known as “the main stop for the trade caravans that streamed through the region from China” in the old times. But I didn’t care. Ahmad Shah Massoud was born in 1953 in Bazarak in the Panjshir Valley (today administered as part of Panjshir Province), to a well-to-do family native to the Panjshir valley.His name at birth was "Ahmed Shah"; he took the name "Massoud" as a nom de guerre when he went into the resistance movement in 1974. While motorized rifle battalions, preceded by reconnaissance units, attacked the dominating features at the entrance of the valley, airborne units were airlifted by helicopter behind the main Mujahideen defenses. All these preparations were carried out in secret, and a token activity was maintained near the Soviet base at Anava, to deceive the Soviets into believing that a conventional defense was being prepared. Panjshir Valley, Afghanistan. For example, “at lower altitudes, the winter is pleasant but the heat in summer is intense.” (Encyclopedia Britannica, 75) There is almost no rain from June to October due to the existence of high mountains to the south. The Panjshir Valley (also spelled Panjsheer or Panjsher; Persian: درهٔ پنجشير – Dare-ye Panjšēr; literally Valley of the Five Lions) is a valley in north-central Afghanistan, 150 kilometres (93 mi) north of Kabul, near the Hindu Kush mountain range. There are three main ridges in Afghanistan, the main one is believed to have been started from China, running towards the southwest, similar to the Hindu Kush, which is around 21,000ft high (6,400m). And that is theft. Using this essay writing service is legal and is not prohibited by any university/college policies. [5], Coordinates: .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}35°16′00″N 69°28′00″E / 35.2667°N 69.4667°E / 35.2667; 69.4667, Panjshir VII – April 19 to September 1984, 345th Independent Guards Airborne Regiment, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, "Soviets leveling Afghanistan's Panjshir valley", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Panjshir_offensives&oldid=971608787, Articles containing Russian-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2010, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Soviet withdrawal; Mujahideen reoccupation of Panjshir Valley, This page was last edited on 7 August 2020, at 05:12. [12], The main assault began on the night of May 16, after an intense aviation and artillery bombardment. However, this figure was debatable “because of the large numbers of returning refugees after the fall of the Taliban government in 2001.” (Behnke, 15) The older portion of the city still contains houses with walls made of mud bricks and metal roofs. During the nine campaigns launched, coordinated Soviet assaults would regularly drive out the Mujahideen from the valley but they would return as soon as the Soviets left. The area covered by the ceasefire included the Panjshir valley, but not the Salang pass, where fighting continued.[17]. During this offensive, the Soviets managed to occupy a large part of the Panjshir and scored some successes against Massoud's organization, such as the capture of a list of the names of 600 of his agents in Kabul. [7][8], Despite the operation, rebel pressure on Rokha including the use of captured artillery pieces did not let up. Once a key base for the Mujahideen during the fight against the Soviet Union in the 1980’s and 90’s, the Valley - made its own province in 2004 - is now one of the most agriculturally productive regions in the country. The purpose of this report is to help the reader gain a better understanding of the different regions of the country, particularly the various landmarks, cities, terrain, and the climate, and demonstrate how the author has blended this information with the plot to maintain the overall integrity of the story. For instance, at lower levels of altitude, rainfall reaches to about 7 inches, and for Kabul specifically, it approximately reaches 13 inches. Jalalabad – The city of Jalalabad is where major trade transactions take place and is situated near the famous landmark, the Khyber Pass. The climate in Afghanistan has been said to be very unstable. features compare. Beginning on August 28, a new offensive, dubbed Panjshir I, was carried out by Afghan and Soviet troops. By forcing the mass migration of civilians from the Panjshir Valley and destroying all crops and livestock, the Soviets hoped to deprive Ahmad Shah Massoud of resources to sustain his full-time fighters. The overall commander of the operation was General Pechevoy. While everywhere in Afghanistan seems dry and dusty, Panjshir is at the luscious end of the spectrum. I ran with the wind blowing in my face, and a smile as wide as the Valley of Panjsher on my lip. Afghanistan Geography Mountains Country Nature Travel Naturaleza Rural Area Destinations. In all, 4,200 troops were airlifted into the valley to capture strategic points, right up to the Pakistani border, in an effort to cut the Mujahideen supply lines. The advance proceeded up the valley, capturing Bazarak after a fight and overrunning Massoud's headquarters in Pasishah-Mardan where various documents were found. View Kite Runner History _ Background.doc from EDUCATION CES2113 at University of Selangor, Bestari Jaya. His father, Dost Mohammad Khan, was a colonel in the Royal Afghan Army. The Salang Pass became a dangerous area, and Soviet truck drivers were even awarded decorations for having successfully crossed it. [5] It was the largest offensive in the region to date.[19]. During this offensive, to avoid losing vehicles to land mines, the Soviets sent their sapper units to clear the way in front of the main force. These tactics proved more effective at rooting out insurgents and breaking up their fighting forces during the offensive but had limited long term success. For this reason they decided to launch a sixth offensive. We see Hosseini taking this fact into account as well when he mentions that “they had fought in the Panjshir Valley for two years…” (Hosseini, 294). Before conducting the research, there were certain expectations and goals that were set. [18] He also ordered the strengthening of defenses in five subsidiary valleys as well as in the Panjshir, permitting a defense in depth, and withdrew his headquarters to Shira Mandara, in Takhar province, in anticipation of a renewed assault. This particular fact is clearly shown in The Kite Runner when Amir says that “in Kabul, it rarely rained in the summer.” (Hosseini, 138) The lower parts of the country are especially the victims of warm, desert-like environment. Heavy airstrikes hit the valley causing the death of 100 civilians and 15 Mujahideen. [4], The first Soviet operation in Panjshir took place in April 1980, just four months after the arrival of Soviet forces in Afghanistan. One of Massoud's subcommanders was killed and the surrounding villages suffered heavily from indiscriminate bombing by Soviet aircraft, but the siege continued. Zontes ZT155-U1 vs Freedom Runner Kite. Kite flyers attempt to down their adversary’s kites analogous to the fighting between the Afghan government and mujahidin guerrilla factions whose hands are cut and bloodied, as is the hand of the kite flyer when the ground glass coating of the kite string sears through the hands.
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