47 lines crisscross Paris and the Paris region so that everyone can get around by public transport. You can use your travel pass or a metro/bus ticket if it covers the zones concerned (the same zones as for the metro/RER). MyRide TN is an expanding, sustainable, senior-friendly volunteer transportation service that has taken root in Tennessee. 6 affordable senior transportation options. Help and contact. Left-luggage and transfer services close at hand, to let you enjoy Paris in complete freedom More information. Do not assume that a rail pass is the cheapest way to go. 1. Licences & Permits The Noctilien is a night bus service that operates in Paris and the Paris region from 12.30am to 5.30am. If you are 60 or older, call your local area agency on aging. Le transport gratuit peut rendre le système de transport plus accessible et équitable pour les habitants à faible revenu. Senior Transportation in your city. Get your one-way Senior +62 single ride on a regular TAP card and get moving. For step-by-step TAP machine instructions--> You can only purchase a one-way ride at a senior fare price. Bag and luggage storage and transport service. Map of Noctilien If you don't have a car or can't drive, you can get a ride to your doctor visits. No need to fill out an application. You may also get a ride if you need to visit the dentist, drug store, grocery store, senior center or any place you get Medicaid services. Together with our free downloadable Metro Map, and free pocket guidebook, you can navigate the city with ease making your sightseeing even easier and cost-effective. Paris a fait un grand pas dans le bon sens, puisque les + de 65 ans et les personnes en situation de handicap ont la possibilité d’avoir un Pass Navigo gratuit. Special Traffic/Transport Arrangements. Find help in Texas for your children, pets, elderly parents, home and lifestyle. Volunteer drivers use their personal vehicles to carry older Tennesseans to a variety of destinations, including medical appointments and grocery stores. Senior discounts also apply to the Eurail Ireland and Eurail Romania Passes. Proof of eligibility is required when boarding a … Cette carte de transport gratuite pour les retraités va bien sur les aider à utiliser les transports en commun. TRANSPORT EN COMMUN GRATUIT - A partir de septembre 2019, les jeunes Parisiens de moins de 11 ans ou handicapés de moins de 20 ans pourraient avoir accès à la gratuité du Pass Navigo. The Paris Visite Pass (Travelcard) is included free in the Paris Pass package and is valid to use for journeys in central Paris on the Metro, RER, Buses, Trams and SNCF. Transport Department,Home. You can also get a ride through the Medical Transportation Program. The best way to find these programs is to call your county’s Area Agency on Aging. County public transportation services for seniors Most counties across the U.S. offer free or low-cost public transportation services designed for seniors who need door-to-door rides. Everything you need to know to plan your visit to Paris and the Île-de-France region More information.
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