1) Option 1: O1 brings the ball up court and O2 stays even with O1. There are lots of variations. This alignment can be effective against any of these looks. The 1–3–1 Neutral Zone Trap Formation F1 takes away an attacking team’s ability to pass the puck through the middle of the ice by splitting the ice in half. Well executed, you create a 3on2 offense advantage with a chance for a lay-up. Coaching the basketball 1-3-1 zone press. This is the most important player on the press. 1. 1-2-2 Zone Press 1-3-1 Zone Press . Consider the best way to use your personnel. 1 man. Clair Bee 1-3-1 Zone Defense D1 - Rear Spot - This is the spot you want filled by your smallest, quickest guard. It’s been successfully run by many youth teams all the way up to college basketball where Coach Beilein uses it as his base defense for Michigan.. 1. Player positions in the 1-2-1-1 zone press. The 1-3-1 zone defense is a unique defense that is run by teams at many different levels. Click here to download the PDF! Zone Press Break for a 2-2-1 full court zone press. Like a defensive zone trap, the best way to do it is by surprise. 3 #2 then opens to the ball and rolls straight toward the baseline. You can learn more about his match up defense and the 2-2-1 press on his match up defense DVD. The 1-3-1 zone defense is a defensive basketball formation. For example, do you want your point guard to receive the first pass, or would you rather … Playname: 1-2-2 press break. Only the team doing the press should know when it is going to be sprung, because the element of surprise is extremely important. There are several variations of this press. Get your players to think about pressing as soon as they transition from offense to defense. 2 sets 1st pick on point defender. The 1-2-1-1 Full Court Zone Press is one of the more utilised rotations for defensive trapping systems in the full court. I believe, though 3-2 and 2-3 zones are certainly the most frequently used sets, 2-2-1 and 1-3-1 patterns should also be covered. Set Up in a 1-3-1. Playbook Plays & Drills ... O4 pivots and faces the basket and can take a shot or go for a drive inside. Must contain the ball. 1 calls play with fist. I hope these tips and techniques will help you achieve success beating the 1-3-1 Full Court Zone Press. DIAGRAM 13: Shot From The Wing. On "break" #2 sets pick for #3. M, T and W box out their re- spective areas. 41 Defense - Full Court. Here are a couple of variations on the 2-2-1 zone press. 2 follows play into lane for rebound. In a zone press each and every player within the team has a specific place and role that can easily be seen and defined when orientated to a position on the floor. This is an article on an aggressive 1-3-1 3/4 court trap looking to apply ball pressure and utilize traps in the corners. I created this set of plays to provide coaches with options to defeat the zone press 1-3-1. Whichever guard does not receives … It is a simple offense to run with a few options for attacking the trapping defense. If you're looking for a more "packed in" conservative half court zone, see 1-3-1 Half Court Zone. The success of the press lies in the success of the 1 man doing his or her job. 1-4 PRESS BREAK Jens Hakanowitz 01/21/2015. More Information and Helpful Resources. With each of these variations, X1, X2 and X3 work together as a unit, while X4 and X5 work together as your "back" unit. Zone defense 1-3-1 mempunyai kelebihan dapat memberikan tekanan di area perimeter dan high post, serta memiliki beberapa kesempatan melakukan trap. 1. 2 #3 Scrapes off of the pick and rolls straight toward the ball. The defensive players can be moved out to half-court, three-quarter-court, or full-court as shown in the following diagrams Playname: 1-3-1 half press 3 w 4 roll. Zapraszamy do korzystania z gier językowych, zabaw, ćwiczeń i innych materiałów, przygotowanych specjalnie dla dzieci uczących się z kursu Gold Sparks. Animated basketball play called 1-3-1 vs 2-3 and 2-1-2 zone. The arrows show how the defenders generally move in the zone. x5 Once this pass is made the defense switches into a 2-3 zone for the remainder of the possession. From the categories: offense zone, offense 1-3-1 and offense. Also, you can use this press breaker against 1-2-2 and 2-1-2. In this case 4 passes to 3, who scores. ... 4 faces basket and shoots or drives to basket OR passes to 3 or 5. Notice how the basket is protected when the defense is trapping. 47 Press Defense 14 Scramble Defense 24 Pack Line Defense. And 1-3-1 … 1. This half court press attack zone offense works great against those half court zone traps you will see from time to time, especially the 1-3-1 half court trap. 4 #1 has two options--Hit # 3 or # 2. I use this press break to attack the 1-2-1-1 full-court zone press. By eliminating passing options and decreasing the available space to skate the puck, the defending team increases the chances of a misplay or miscommunication by the attacking team. 9. places to trap the ball Practice rotation and rebounding out of the 1-3-1 on a consistent basis to make sure there IS no confusion come game time. In keeping with my theory of the flexing zone, I recommend the basic 1-3-1 zone defense and simply move it out to cover more court. The defense stays in a 1-3-1 zone until there is a pass to the baseline. • Player X4: Left side of the basket, tight on the baseline where the throw-in usually occurs. If you have one tall guy who can clean everything around the basket and four much smaller and quicker players you would probably choose 2-2-1. This makes the defence far easier to teach then man to man trapping options. Once again, this player draws the responsibility of influencing the dribbler to go one way or another. The 1-3-1 is the best formation to set up in offensively against a 2-3 zone. The overload set up puts the defense in a disadvantage. This 2-2-1 defense is an extension of Don Kelbick's match up zone defense. 1-2-1-1 Diamond Press Tips. This 1-2-2 zone press is an easy press to teach, and is a fairly safe press to run with some "back" coverage to prevent the lay-up. Closes out hard with 2 hands to guard the ball. The 3-1-1 zone press features three defenders across the free throw line area, one just beyond the 3-point line in the center, and one down-court in "prevent" (see Diagram A). Conventional, more conservative 1-3-1 zone defense Diagram A shows the basic setup. Favorite Send to FastDraw As with any defense, the 1-2-1-1 zone press assigns certain positions and responsibilities to defenders. x3. Often used as a common alternative to the 1-2-2 alignment to try and extended defenders further down the court and limit options used by offensive teams to make long passes over the head of the last line of defenders. A contain press more than a steal press (1) Traps the first pass with 3 in the corner/wing area (2) Drops middle to deny there 2 the ball (3) Traps with one (4) Drops to take away long pass (5) Denies their 5 as the 2nd middle option When they break the first trap sprint … Since most youth teams don’t have the extra time to practice and memorize an entire zone offense, here are 17 strategies you can implement mid-game to help your team beat the 2-3 zone. In The 1-3-1 One of the disadvantages of run- ning the 1-3-1 half-court zone is that often times teams have trouble re- bounding out of it. This press matches up well against teams that use a three-across, or 3-up, press offense. ... About Basketball: 1-3-1 Zone The 1-3-1 zone defense provides you the opportunity to run an aggressive zone that looks to trap along the perimeter, or a conservative setup that shifts as the ball moves to take away easy shots. 2. X1 on the top, X2 and X3 on the wings (near the arc, free-throw line extended), X5 on the post player, and X4 down low. … 2-2-1 Zone Press Adjustments. Sprint to the nearest spot after a made basket. Offense against a 1-3-1 half-court press. Playname : 1-3-1 Trapping Zone Press 1. A breakdown in any of these areas will lead to the press being broken. This zone press break uses a 1-3-1 initial set. See More. Still, integrated into a 1-3-1 zone defense, this press is widely used by basketball teams at all levels. Clair Bee 1-3-1 Zone Diagrams and Notes Below are some great notes on 1-3-1 zone defense by the legendary Clair Bee. And last but not least, you can see any of these formations as “match up zone presses”. This is a press break you can use against a 1-2-1-1 zone press. We may give up a jump shot but we will not give up a lay-up. This defense is named for its formation since there is one defender at the point, three defenders at the free throw level, and one defender at the base line. The 2-1-2 press (or "3 Press") is a rather unique full-court zone press that is less aggressive than the 1-2-1-1 full-court zone press ("1 Press") in that it does not pressure the opposition's out-of-bounds "Trigger Man" and does not trap the initial inbound receiver. Here are five concepts to emphasize when working on this press in practice. 1-3-1 Zone Press - Extending Pressure. 1-3-1 to 2-3 Defense Rotations and Responsibilities. 3) 1-3-1 extended 3/4 court, very aggressive 4) 2-2-1 or 2-1-2 press back to 2-3 zone. 1 man. The 1-2-1-1 Full-Court Press is an aggressive type of full-court zone that is very different than its major counterpart, the 2-2-1 full-court zone press. Attacking a Full Court Zone Press 1-2-1-1: The 1-2-1-1 press is a solid trapping defense that will give your team headaches in your backcourt. Wszystkie te … However, we can also extend the 1-3-1 defense 3/4 court or … Our basic 31 Defense is a quarter court defense that can be extended to half court should the Chaser choose to pick the ball up near the half court circle. It was originally utilized by legendary basketball coach, Red Sarachek. The 4 needs to stay inbetween the basket and ball in most cases.The 5 is the last line of defense between the basket and the ball So they need to know to defend the lane in case of a breakdown. 2-Up Zone Press The "2-up" zone press is used against teams who have their best ball-handler make the inbounds pass, and then step inbounds and receive the pass right back. Setup. Kelemahan utamanya adalah ketika diserang dari corner dan low post. The focus of the press break is, like most others, to get the ball in to the middle of the zone press but it also has an option to catch a player on the run up the sideline . Attacking 1-3-1 Full Court Zone Press: Add consistency to your practice by utilizing these multi-purpose press breaker. Common zone presses include the 2-2-1, 1-2-2, and 1-2-1-1 presses.. 8 In addition, each of the zone formations can be implemented full court, ¾ court, and half court. Some coaches will have special plays and strategies depending on the type of
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