Genesis 24 - Commentary by Rev. Which shows that with the rib flesh was taken from Adam, though it be not said so, Genesis 1:21. It is owing to this word only that, though thousands of years have rolled away since their creation, not … נפשׁ nephesh, "breath, soul, self." Cholin. The waters are said to produce them abundantly; to signify the prodigious and rapid multiplication, especially of all the various species of fishes. We see it daily around us, but cannot comprehend it! Verses 20-23 describe the creation of the first animals, the fish and other animals that live in the ocean, and birds that fly in the air. 21. The word in Hebrew, which generally stands for fish, also means multiplication; no creatures, it seems, multiplying so fast as they do. Hebrew. This being the case, the passage may be rendered with the strictest propriety, 'Let the waters produce abundantly their productions, which have life:' in which general expressions the whole increase of the watery world is included. The fishes and birds are created on this day. Genesis 1:20 Parallel Verses [⇓ See commentary ⇓] Genesis 1:20, NIV: "And God said, 'Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the vault of the sky.'" — How much soever we may be astonished at the stupendous vastness and magnificence of inanimate matter, the least piece that is animated and has life, is still more admirable. And fowl that may fly above the earth. Here is a different kind of propagation from that in herbs and trees: for there the power of fructifying is in the plants, and that of germinating is in the seed; but here generation takes place. 11, 19. Genesis 24 This chapter tells a romance in Old Testament setting. Besides, either the original of the fowls is described here, or it is wholly omitted in this chapter, which is not credible. And what a merciful provision is this for the necessities of man! Leviticus 11:46, &c. See App-13. The intent of the creation story is not to give a lesson in physics or The main point noticed in the text as to the living things produced on this day is their fecundity. 2. that lay at the bottom of the waters: and it may be observed of some fowls, that they live on the waters, and others partly on land and partly on water; and as the elements of fowl and fish, the air and water, bear a resemblance to each other, so do these creatures, some fowls both fly and swim; and what wings are to the one, fins are to the other; and both steer their course by their tails, and are both oviparous: though it should seem, according to Genesis 2:19, that the fowls were produced from the earth, and the words may be rendered here, "let the fowl fly above the earth", &c. as they are in the Samaritan and Syriac versions, and in othersF17ועוף יעופף "et volatile volet", Pagninus, Montanus, Vatablus, Amama, "et volatile volitet", Tigurine version; "et volucres volent", Junius & Tremellius, Piscator; "et aves volent", Drusius; "et volucris volet", Cartwrightus; "et avis volitet", Schmidt. nephesh, as in verses: Genesis 1:21, Genesis 1:24, Genesis 1:30; Genesis 2:7, Genesis 2:19; Genesis 9:4, Genesis 9:5, Genesis 9:5, Genesis 9:10, Genesis 9:12, Genesis 9:15, Genesis 9:16. God, in turn, responds to each of Abram’s … Continue reading "Commentary on Genesis 15:1-6" , as the word used signifies; which is applied to fishes as well as creeping things, because in swimming their bellies touch the water, and are close to it, as reptiles on the earth: and of these creeping things in the seas there are innumerable, as the Psalmist says, Psalm 104:25. At the same time, Genesis 20 is also a commentary on the grace of God who chose to build a great nation out of such a man. We observe that it enables millions and millions of creatures to act, as it were, of themselves, and to seek and obtain such enjoyments as give them a sensible pleasure; but how it does this surpasses all understanding: and we can reach no more of its nature, than that it is such an amazing property, as, if we think at all, must carry up our thoughts to that Almighty Being, who alone could bestow such a wonderful blessing, and who, in his exuberant goodness, has conferred it, not on one or a few merely, but on innumerable millions, and has inclined and enabled them to communicate it to millions and millions more of the same species with themselves, that shall succeed one another till time shall be no more! Nor is it confined to birds, but includes all creatures that can wing their way in the air. The lyrics go something like this: “Nothing comes from nothing, nothing ever could. Such was the Creator’s progress in his work; and, in imitation of him, we should be continually advancing to greater excellence and perfection in our dispositions and actions. For it is most reasonable to expound that short and general passage from the foregoing chapter, wherein the original both of beasts and fowls are largely and distinctly described. But although there should appear no other reason but that it so pleased God, would it not be becoming in us to acquiesce in his judgment? 1) Het oorspronkelijk woord duidt elk zeemonster aan. The main point noticed in the text as to the living things produced on this day is their fecundity. (p) Vid. Houbigant justly prefers the English translation here to all those which render the original by the word reptilia, reptiles, or creeping things, under which denomination, certainly, neither the fish, nor the birds, do come; and therefore, after the English, he translates it, animam motabilem; as we, the moving creature. Genesis 1:20-30 New International Version (NIV) 20 And God said, “Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the vault of the sky.” 21 So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living thing with which the water teems and that moves about in it, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. God blessed them — Behold the cause of the continuance in existence, and of the fruitfulness and multiplication, of the sundry kinds of creatures! Biblical Commentary Genesis 21:1-21 . It is interesting that God does not specifically mention the creation of flying insects, fungi, bacteria, and … They believe that the good things which happen in life are the result of some good thing they have done. T. Bab. But these words are by some translated thus. Genesis 20 is a commentary on Abraham's cowardice and betrayal of his wife Sarah. (o) Nat. Included with the line-by-line analysis are thirty excursuses, and helpful maps. Genesis 1:20-23 (ESV) 20 And God said, Let the waters swarm with swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the heavens. Genesis 1:20. in the open firmament.âThe days of the second creative triad correspond to those of the first. שׁרץ shārats, "crawl, teem, swarm, abound." 21 So God created the great sea creatures and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarm, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. Over de bouwstof van de vogels is daarom niets met zekerheid vast te stellen.. 21. the moving creature that hath life: an animal life, of which sort of creatures as yet there had been none made; vegetables, or such as have a vegetative life, were made on the third day; but those that have a sensitive and animal life not till this day, the fifth; and the less perfect, or lower sort of these, were first produced, even such as move or "creep" (n), as the word used signifies; which is applied to fishes as well as creeping things, because in swimming their bellies touch the water, and are close to it, as reptiles on the earth: and of these creeping things in the seas there are innumerable, as the Psalmist says, Psalm 104:25. Thus, according to the purpose of God, the waters bring forth abundantly. Bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life. Commentary on Genesis 1:20-25 (Read Genesis 1:20-25) God commanded the fish and fowl to be produced. But the word soul properly signifies âbreath,â and thus, after the long pause of the fourth day, during which vegetation was advancing under the ripening effects of solar heat, we now hasten onward to another creative act, by which God called into being creatures which live by breathing. In chapter 13, Abram and Lot separated because “The land was not able to bear them, that they might live together: for their substance was great, so that they could not live together. But according to that translation, the mention of the fowl, both here and in Genesis 1:21, seems to be very improper and forced. Fifth Day. But Moses ought rather to be listened to as our teacher, who would transport us with admiration of God through the consideration of his works. 20.Bring forth abundantly — Hebrews, Let the waters teem with creeping things, living beings. Created great whales — The word התנינם hathaninim, which we render great whales, signifies "any kind of large aquatic or amphibious animals;" under which, whales, crocodiles, and the like, may properly be classed. Hist. For a lengthy discussion of this problem, cf. They are here subdivided only into the monsters of the deep and the smaller species that swarm in the waters. The Hebrew verb and noun here are of the same derivation; ישׁרצו ishretzu, שׁרצ sheretz: and the lexicographers tell us, that שׁרצ sheretz, is derived from that verb which signifies to produce or increase abundantly, on account of the abundant production, or increase of these creatures. They were creations, not evolutions. Let the waters bring forth abundantly - There is a meaning in these words which is seldom noticed. Genesis 10:1-32. Genesis 2:19. that God formed the fowl out of the ground. Genesis 1:20. (Menochius) --- Fowl. of soft and moist earth, possibly taken from the bottom of the water, in which case they were brought forth by the water, as is said here, and formed out of the ground, as there. The solitude בהוּ bohû, the last and greatest defect in the state of the earth, is now to be removed by the creation of the various animals that are to inhabit it and partake of its vegetable productions. Genesis 1:21. 19 And the evening and the morning were the fourth day. All these creatures were first introduced by God’s word. Each promise is followed by a question that Abram raises about the promise (15:2-3; 15:8; see also his questions to God in 18:23-33). Commentary on Genesis 50:1-6 (Read Genesis 50:1-6) Though pious relatives and friends have lived to a good old age, and we are confident they are gone to glory, yet we may regret our own loss, and pay respect to their memory by lamenting them. The moving creature that hath life — Endued with self-motion and animal life. We see it daily around us, but cannot comprehend it! It seems, however, but little consonant with reason, that he declares birds to have proceeded from the waters; and, therefore this is seized upon by captious men as an occasion of calumny. Some birds being of an amphibious nature, living partly by land, and partly by water, and all birds having many things similar to the fishy kind, may be the reason why they are thus united. On the second day the Creator was occupied with the task of reducing the air and water to a habitable state. An intransitive verb, admitting, however, an objective noun of its own or a like signification. Morris (p. 18f) offers a list of things the beginning of which are ((q) "et volatile volet", Pagninus, Montanus, Vatablus, Amama, "et volatile volitet", Tigurine version; "et volucres volent", Junius & Tremellius, Piscator; "et aves volent", Drusius; "et volucris volet", Cartwrightus; "et avis volitet", Schmidt. Welk een zegen voor mensen! This commentary draws back the curtain on the Hebrew context of Genesis chapter 15 to reveal Jesus promising to Abram to die for the sins of his descendants. 27. O diepte van de rijkdom van wijsheid en macht en liefde!. All that we are taught is that the Infusoria and Ovipara preceded the Mammalia. fowl — means every flying thing: The word rendered “whales,” includes also sharks, crocodiles, etc. Insects, which are more numerous than the birds and beasts, and as curious, seem to have been part of this day's work. נפשׁ חיה, soul of life, or living soul, is in apposition with שׁרצ, creeping thing. Nor is it confined to birds, but includes all creatures that can wing their way in the air. Cholin. Este comando ejecuta él mismo. And as vegetation began with a green tinge upon the rocks, so doubtless animal life began in the most rudimentary manner, and advanced through animalcules and insects up to fish and reptiles. THE CONTEXT. It is obvious that it denotes the vital principle not only in man but in the brute. Creeping: destitute of feet like fishes, which move on their bellies. l. Geneva Study Bible. This command he himself executed. And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven. Genesis 1:20-23. But their subsequent multiplication is conceived of as generations. But the word soul properly signifies âbreath,â and thus, after the long pause of the fourth day, during which vegetation was advancing under the ripening effects of solar heat, we now hasten onward to another creative act, by which God called into being creatures which live by breathing. Genesis; Principle #45; Gen. 29:1-20; p. 44 Carnal Behaviors: Even when we become true believers, we should be on guard against old patterns of sinful behavior that tend to persist. God creates land animals in verses 24-25. The waters are here not the cause but the element of the fish, as the air of the fowl. (Haydock). As the most perfect trees may not have been produced till the Garden of Eden was planted, so the peacock may not have spread his gaudy plumes till the time was approaching when there would be human eyes capable of admiring his beauty. For naturalists have observed, that the eyes of both are formed similar; as is the conformation of the brain: their bodies are poised alike to swim, the one in the air, and the other in the water: they are each oviparous, and in many other particulars correspond. Above the earth in the open firmament of heaven, Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers, Keil and Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament. But who can conceive the nature of life? "The face of the expanse." These crawlers, or creeping things, are meant to include “whatsoever passeth through the paths of the seas.” ועו Å יעופ Å , and let fowls fly. As the most perfect trees may not have been produced till the Garden of Eden was planted, so the peacock may not have spread his gaudy plumes till the time was approaching when there would be human eyes capable of admiring his beauty. in the open firmament. Why should it not be lawful for him, who created the world out of nothing, to bring forth the birds out of water? Commentaries on Genesis. Light was created on the first day, and on the fourth it was gathered into light-bearers; on the second day air and water were called into being, and on the fifth day they were peopled with life; lastly, on the third day the dry land appeared, and on the sixth day it became the home of animals and man. Hist. Pliny (o) reckons up an hundred and seventy six kinds of fishes, which he puts in an alphabetical order: and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven; which according to our version were to be produced out of the waters also; not out of mere water, but out of earth and water mixed together, or out of the earth or clay (p) that lay at the bottom of the waters: and it may be observed of some fowls, that they live on the waters, and others partly on land and partly on water; and as the elements of fowl and fish, the air and water, bear a resemblance to each other, so do these creatures, some fowls both fly and swim; and what wings are to the one, fins are to the other; and both steer their course by their tails, and are both oviparous: though it should seem, according to Genesis 2:19, that the fowls were produced from the earth, and the words may be rendered here, "let the fowl fly above the earth", &c. as they are in the Samaritan and Syriac versions, and in others (q). fowl—means every flying thing: The word rendered "whales," includes also sharks, crocodiles, &c.; so that from the countless shoals of small fish to the great sea monsters, from the tiny insect to the king of birds, the waters and the air were suddenly made to swarm with creatures formed to live and sport in their respective elements. Genesis 1:20, ESV: "And God said, “Let the waters swarm with swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the heavens.”" They are all those creatures which multiply in masses. Harold G. Stigers, A Commentary of Genesis (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1976), pp. 20.Let the waters bring forth... the moving creature (74) On the fifth day the birds and fishes are created. 1. sons of Noah --The historian has not arranged this catalogue according to seniority of birth; for the account begins with the descendants of Japheth, and the line of Ham is given before that of Shem though he is expressly said to be the youngest or younger son of Noah; and Shem was the elder brother of Japheth ( Genesis 10:21 ), the true rendering of that passage. It does not say that they were formed out of the water (comp. Like many well-known biblical … Continue reading "Commentary on Genesis 1:1-5" A farther advance was made by the creation of terrestrial animals, all the various species of which are included in three classes: (1) cattle, the herbivorous kind capable of labor or domestication. Genesis 1:20-23. FIFTH DAY — FISH AND FOWLS, Genesis 1:20-23. As breath is the accompaniment and sign of life, it comes to denote "life," and hence, a living body, "an animal." While he manifests his wisdom and his power, he is making a permanent provision for the sustenance of man through all his generations. For it is preposterous, and contrary to the method constantly used in this whole chapter, to speak of the motion of any living creature, and the place thereof, before its original and production be mentioned. Genesis 1:20. CHAPTER 1. The blessing of God is added, that they may of themselves produce offspring. You can find the best commentary on Genesis for … A list of the best commentaries on Genesis ranked by scholars, journal reviews, and site users. And fowl that may fly.âHeb., and let fowl, or winged creatures, fly above the earth. A Tench lay 1,000 eggs, a Carp 20,000, and Leuwenhoek counted in a middling sized Cod 9,384,000! Darksiders Genesis Walkthrough Part 1 and until the last part will include the full Darksiders Genesis Gameplay on PC. Genesis 1:22. “And God said … ” “There was evening and there was morning … ” “And God saw that it was good.” It is a beautiful passage. Bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life.âLiterally, let the waters swarm a swarm of living soul. In one of her movies Julie Andrews sings a beautiful song, one of my favorites, but its theology is abominable. T. Bab. . Genesis 1:20 20 And God said, “Let the waters swarm with swarms of living creatures, and let birds 7 fly above the earth across the expanse of the heavens.” Read more Share Copy The crawler - שׁרץ sherets apparently includes all animals that have short legs or no legs, and are therefore unable to raise themselves above the soil. And what greater absurdity, I pray, has the origin of birds from the water, than that of the light from darkness? Genesis 2:19). (n) "reptile", V. L. Pagninus, Montanus; "reptilia", Junius & Tremellius, Piscator. Balancing reverence for the text with rigorous scholarship, Sarna’s commentary is an illuminating and exhaustive treatment of Genesis.
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