The 2 – 3 basic defense promotes teamwork allowing it to work for most teams. In basketball, playing defense means trying to stop your opponent from scoring. At this point, 1 decides to make the post entry pass to 5. At the same time, the weak side low post player, 4 flash cuts across the lane to the strong side elbow. Three guards --- two at opposing wing positions and one at the top of the key. This of course is more of a gamble, because no defender is back in "prevent". Nah, di dalam permainan basket, dikenal beberapa jenis Zone Defense. It involves two players guarding the top and three players spread out along the baseline to … Additionally, each one of these continuity phases can flow into another one. Once that happens, 2 makes the shuffle cut towards the basket via the back screen set by 4. The forwards rotate up in the passing lanes to the wings, and the centre is the safety protecting the basket. 1 & 2 (guards) get up to defend the 3-point line while the 3 players in the back line will line up with the first marker above the block. 3 can make the pass to 5 near the basket who can score the layup or via low post moves. To continue the post split continuity, the ball needs to passed out to 3 who is on the strong side wing. 1 quickly cuts to the right side wing area and receives the skip pass from 3 for the open jump shot. The 1-2-2 zone defense is a variation of the more commonly used 2-3 zone. Overload 2 - This is a variation of the Overload zone play to help you get more easy buckets. Umumnya formasi ini akan sangat berguna untuk tim yang suka bermain cepat dan melakukan fastbreak. Next, 1 calls for the ball screen but the defender jumps towards the screen to take it away. Simpelnya sih dalam bahasa Indonesia, foul disebut sebagai pelanggaran. At the same time, 2 fills and replaces the vacated spot at the top of the key. Next, the ball is reversed to 3 who can take the shot if it is open. This defense can be easily disguised as man to man. With the opponent running a fast-break, your defense may be confronted with a 2-on-1, or 3-on-2 situation. 1-2-2 Zone Defense Strengths The 1-2-2 zone has the advantages of being able to pressure the ball on the outside arc, allow for some trapping, and can be effective against a good outside shooting team (whereas the 2-3 zone is more effective against inside scoring and dribble penetration). From the category: defense zone. The post split phase is initiated once the ball is entered into the low post. KETEMU PEMAIN TINGGI DAN BESAR SAAT OFFENSE? 1 makes an l-cut to the to the basket and can receive the pass back from 5 for the possible shot attempt at the rim. Position on defense in relation to ball ... X4 covers lane > plays in front of basket X5 halfway position > assist with high post > cuts off any pass to low post. The player can do something such as raise a fist in the air to call for the screen or simply say “Screen!” to the strong side low post player. As 2 begins to dribble towards the middle of the floor, 3 cuts through the baseline to the opposite wing where 2 was just located. UConn 3 Out 2 In Motion Offense – Hoops Playbook 3 Out 2 … 3 can make the entry pass to 1 who can score the layup. After that, 1 fills the empty weak side wing spot. Next, 1 moves to the empty spot on the weak side wing by way of a down screen set by 5 (who is the weak side post player at this time). *Rawan untuk dijebol oleh pemain lawan, karena defense tipe ini akan sangat mudah untuk dipecah apabila ada satu area yang "jebol". In addition as a secondary option, 5 can slip the screen, roll to the basket, and then receive the pass from 2 instead of 3. Bola basket dapat di lapangan terbuka, walaupun pertandingan profesional pada umumnya dilakukan di ruang tertutup. 1 makes a pass to 3 and holds the position for a couple of seconds. Also, 1 flattens to the left side wing to fill the vacated spot where 3 was previously stationed. Related. Defense press. First time ever I went we any zone as my main defense. 1. Recognizing the defense. Next, 2 can shoot the open shot or pass inside to 5 who can score via low post moves. Once that happens, 2 can run another phase of the continuity or execute the ball screen action once again. If the top opposing player is a post player, the defense should initially align in a 1-2-2. This setup creates good spacing because each player is about 15 feet apart from the other players. We also don't want players overextending outside the perimeter creating g… X5 fronts the top post player. Since its 2-3 alignment allows teams to keep their big players inside, it is very strong in protecting the basket area and against dribble penetration. 3 has the options to pass to 2 for the open jump shot or 5 who can score near the basket by way of low post moves. It is initiated with three perimeter players and two post players. If open, 3 can pass back to 1 who can shoot the layup. Oke, ga perlu sampai ikut ke toilet juga. The perimeter players begin at the top and wings while each post player occupies a low post block. After that, 1 makes a reversal pass to 4 who can take the jump shot if open. 2 receives a pass from 1 who then screens away for 3. X5 keeps the ball out of the middle. 5 makes a curl cut to the left side post via double screens set by 1 and 4. Overload - Very simple zone play that is effective against all zone defenses. Next, the screen receiver, 3 moves to fill the vacant spot at the top of the key. Apa sih foul itu? 3 Out 2 In Motion Offense – YouTube, UConn 3 Out 2 In Motion Offense – Hoops Playbook. You can also use it as a trapping defense. UConn 3 Out 2 In Motion Offense – Hoops Playbook 3-2 Adjustment: Diagram C. If the offense is successful in passing up the sidelines (on either side of X4), then adjust your zone defense to a 3-2 zone, bringing X5 up, and have X4 and X5 play just inside the mid-court area. *Sulit untuk melakukan rebound karena keunikan dari defense ini, sehingga pemain harus langsung melakukan rebound tanpa melakukan box out lagi, yang mana pelatih mana pun selalu menginstruksikan box out sebelum rebound. The section below covers continuity phases and other types of quick hitting scoring options for the 3 out 2 in motion offense. Next, 2 receives the reversal pass from 1. In the next portion, 3 makes a cut to the top by way of double corner pin down screens set by 4 and 5. The "51 Tough" defense uses trapping and deny opportunities to make it more aggressive than the containing 2-3 zone. The 2–3 zone defense is a defensive strategy used in basketball as an alternative to man-to-man defense.It is referred to as the 2–3 because of its formation on the court, which consists of two players at the front of the defense (closer to half court) and three players behind (closer to the team's basket). After teaching the 2-3 zone I then set them in what we called a 1-1 high and 1-1 low. Kembali lagi di AnakBasket, pada artikel kali ini, kita akan membahas tips bagaimana menjadi seorang Center, tapi bukan sekedar hanya se... *Biasanya digunakan untuk meredam tim yang memiliki shooter jitu dan inside player yang kurang kuat. Also, if 2 does not have anything and has not picked up the ball, 2 can make an escape dribble back to the top of the key. 2 – 3 Basic Defense . Bukan hanya mampu mendribble... Pada artikel sebelumnya, kita sudah bahas tips tentang menjaga pemain dengan postur yang lebih tinggi dari kita. Once that happens, 1 rejects the screen and drives baseline to the basket. Once the ball is received in the post, 5 can score via low post moves or the continuity can segue into the next phase which is the post split. teknik dasar basket, 'Triangle' Offense vs 3 2 or 1 2 2 Zone Defense, basket indonesia, offense basket, defense basket, teknik dasar, zone defense. Since the ball is already on the wing, 4 moves to the top of the key by way of the screen set by 3. Once the ball is on the low post block, the post split continuity of the 3 out 2 in motion offense begins. Additionally, 1 can spread out to the right side corner to give 5 enough space to operate down low. 1. The main difference is that the 1-2-2 zone defense is a great defense against teams that score a majority of their points from the perimeter, whereas the 2-3 zone provides more inside presence. Setup Zone Defense 3 - 2 3-2 (1-2-2) Zona Rotasi 3-2 (1-2-2) zona biasanya digunakan untuk membela tim dengan penembakan di luar baik dan / atau pos pemain yang lebih lemah. At the same time, 4 moves from the left side low post to fill the vacated spot at the top. If open, 2 can receive the pass back from 3 and take the layup. X2 and X3 are on the elbows to cut off any initial pass to the high post. Yuk kita bahas satu persatu. 2 can reverse the ball to 3 who can take the open shot. 2 has decided to make the pitch out pass to 1 on the left side wing. Selanjutnya, kita masuk ke 3-2 Zone Defense. The 3 out 2 in motion offense is a basketball offense that can create a variety of scoring opportunities by way of the low post, high post, or from the perimeter. TIPS MENJAGA PEMAIN DENGAN POSTUR BADAN LEBIH TINGGI, TIPS MENGATASI RASA GUGUP SEBELUM BERTANDING. Your two forward/center players will generally be at the two block positions. *Mudah buat transition offense , kedua pemain dari lapisan kedua kiri dan kanan akan mudah lari untuk melakukan transisi dari defense ke offense. Now, the continuity is executed. The 3 out 2 in motion offense can be used by teams with good guards and good post players. 3. 2 receives the pass from 1 and calls for the ball screen either verbally or with a hand signal from 4. Conventional, more conservative 1-3-1 zone defense Diagram A shows the basic setup. Once it goes down to the low perimeter, they drop back to the middle of the circle at the foul line.-“ The 3 man (in this set up) simply protects the backside of the defense. If the ball gets passed to the offensive player positioned at the right wing, the defense shifts to … In addition, this offense can be executed against zone defense via the use of the flash cut and other principles. Pakai poin aja ya biar singkat hehehe, Zone yang satu ini sangat jarang digunakan atau kurang umum digunakan, tujuan dari Zone Defense yang satu ini ialah pemain lawan akan kesulitan untuk melakukan passing passing normal dan akan "dipaksa" untuk memberikan passing "tinggi" untuk melewati defender, *Lawan akan kesulitan untuk melakukan offense karena pola defense ini tidak seperti biasanya, *Cocok digunakan untuk tim yang senang bermain cepat. Tips Bola Basket; Rabu, 12 Januari 2011. SIAPA TAKUT! At the same time, 3 makes an l-cut to the mid-line and fills the vacant spot at the top of the key. The 2-3 zone defense is by far the most common zone in basketball and is more than likely the specific formation that will come to a coaches mind when they hear the term ‘zone’ relating to basketball. If open, 3 can pass back to 1 who can take the easy layup. The 2-3 zone is the most commonly used zone defense. 2 receives a pass from 1 who then makes a straight cut to the basket. Also, 1 can take the empty left side low post if the ball was not received from 3. This section features a variety of quick hitting scoring options for the 3 out 2 in motion offense. 2-3 Zone Defense (Complete Coaching Guide) (4,555 Words) The 2-3 zone defense is the most common type of zone defense that will be played during youth and high school competition. Also, 3 fills the vacated strong side wing spot previously held by 1. Next, 2 is able to receive the pass from 1 if open after the screen is set. KETEMU PEMAIN TINGGI DAN BESAR SAAT OFFENSE? Balik ke topik. At the same time, 4 flashes to the left side high post while 3 flattens out to the left side corner. Next, 5 screens away for 2 who moves to the top. That reversal action keys the shuffle cut and high post screen executed by 1 and 5 respectively. -“ The 2 man covers the pass back to the top of the court, but then they follow the first pass, shadowing the one man. CDS says: 5/28/2015 at 7:13:54 PM. At the same time, 2 makes a l-cut towards the top of the key. 2 receives the pass from 1 who then cuts to the basket via a UCLA screen set by 5. Animated basketball play called 2-3 (23) tight. We often use the phrase "Protect the House"with this defense as the 3-2 looks very similar to that shape. X5 is always in a line between the ball and the basket. In addition, 4 rolls to the basket after setting the screen. If the ball is passed to 3, X5 fronts 5. Jadi, biasanya para pemain akan disandingkan dengan pemain yang memiliki posisi yang sama dengannya atau bahkan terkadang dengan pemain yang memiliki level skill yang sama untuk meredam agresivitas pemain itu. Another fundamental aspect utilized within this offense are various types of screens such as the cross screen as well as different basketball cuts such as the dive cut and the L-cut. After that, screen the screener action happens. At the same time, 5 moves to the left side low post via a cross screen set by 1. 2 pemain dibelakangnya akan mengikuti pola yang terbentuk. Memiliki tinggi badan yang luar biasa tingginya... Hi! 1 begins the action with a dribble to the left side wing area. Perbedaannya, pemain di posisi 1 atau point guard memiliki area yang lebih tinggi dan aktif untuk melakukan pressing terhadap ball handler lawan. However, the ball must be reset at the top of the key. Next, 5 and 4 set flare screens at the mid-line near the top of the key. Playbook Plays & Drills ... 2-3 (23) tight. From this point, 1 can score the layup, pass to 4 who can also shoot the layup, or throw the drift pass to 3 who can take the jump shot if open. From this point, 2 can make a pass to one of the other teammates or 2 can shoot the mid-range shot if that is open. However, the main option is to create the shuffle cut so 3 reverses the ball once more to 1. Match-up zone defense is a type of defense used in the game of basketball.It is commonly referred to as a "combination" defense, as it combines certain aspects of man-to-man defense and zone defense.. College head coaches Jim Boeheim and John Chaney were advocates of the match-up zone defense.. Characteristics. 1. As that is happening, 3 reverses the ball to 4 who also reverses to 2. This is the basic alignment of the 3-2. First, the guards can occasionally come out to trap the ball as it crosses centre. 1. After that, 2 makes a straight cut to the basket via the UCLA screen set by 4. Next, 4 screens away for 2 who cuts to the top of the key. 3 fills the vacated opposite wing via a down screen set by 4. Berikut adalah pola defense yang lumrah digunakan di dunia basket : Sesuai dengan strategi defense ini yaitu "Man to Man" , artinya masing-masing pemain di lapangan memegang tanggung jawab terhadap defense-nya sendiri kemanapun pemain itu pergi, bahkan kalau dia ke toilet sekalipun. SIAPA... POSISI-POSISI PEMAIN DALAM PERMAINAN BASKET. On the weak side of the floor, 3 quickly flattens out to the right side corner. This part features a counter action if ice defense is utilized to take away the side ball screen action. A defensive three-second violation, also known as illegal defense, is a basketball rules infraction in the National Basketball Association (NBA). 3 reverses the ball once more to 1 and now the continuity action is executed. 2 can pass back to 1 for the layup if 1 is open or reverse the ball to 3 at the top. Playname: 3-2 zone press. As that happens, 3 cuts through by the baseline to the opposite wing. If open, 2 can pass back to 1 or 1 can move out to the right side corner if not open. In these situations, your defense should be taught to first prevent the lay-up. The majority of personal fouls are called over illegal contact by defenders. 2-3 Zone Defense . At the freshmen girls level we taught the 2-3 zone. This section demonstrates various continuity phases that can be implemented into the 3 out 2 in motion offense. The 2-3 zone is also effective against poor outside shooting teams. If not open, 1 fills the vacant right side low post. The initial set will help determine what sort of defense we are facing. 3-2 Zone Defense ini memiliki karakteristik "terbalik" dari 2-3 Zone tadi. Bola basket adalah olahraga bola berkelompok yang terdiri atas dua tim beranggotakan masing-masing lima orang yang saling bertanding mencetak poin dengan memasukkan bola ke dalam keranjang lawan. The side ball screen phase is triggered when the ball is on the wing and a screen is called by the player with the ball. 1 makes the pass to 3 and then cuts to the basket. Buat yang ketinggalan artik... Hampir semua dari kita yang sering main basket pasti pernah bertemu dengan pemain jenis ini. If not open, 2 cuts to the left side wing area via stagger screens set by 5 and 1. Also, the continuity actions of the offense can make it a viable choice for delayed offense that can be used at the end of a quarter. Assuming 4 did not take the shot, the ball is reversed to 3 on the right side wing. Zone Plays Against 2-3 Zones, 3-2 Zones, and 1-3-1 Zones Double - Great zone play that can be executed against a 2-3 zone, a 3-2 zone, and even a 1-3-1 zone defense. From that point, 3 can reverse the ball again to 1 and continue the continuity on the other side of the court. X4 is under the basket. Defending against 2-on-1 and 3-on-2 fast break attacks. 3 receives the pass from 1 who then makes a straight cut to the basket. Also, 4 lifts up to the right side high post. Switch to the Diamond and One as soon as the ball crosses half-court. 3 has the options to pass to 2 for the open jump shot or 5 who can score near the basket by way of low post moves. Area kuning merupakan wilayah tanggung jawab masing-masing pemain di dalam Zone Defense ini. X1 on the top, X2 and X3 on the wings (near the arc, free-throw line extended), X5 on the post player, and X4 down low. The pass and cut phase is initiated when the ball is passed from the top to the wing and the player at the top makes a straight cut to the basket. This article discusses basketball's 1-2-2 and 3-2 zone defenses. Also, 4 fills the vacated right side wing area. Subscribe for our daily videos on coaching plays, drills and more: this episode and more in … Di dalam dunia basket, dikenal beberapa jenis ... Hampir semua permainan olahraga di dunia ini memiliki strategi di setiap pertandingannya, baik itu strategi yang diterapkan secara umum maup... Pernah ga sih lo ketemu sama pemain lawan dengan defense yang luar biasa ketatnya, sampai-sampai lo sendiri bisa frustrasi sendiri karena ga... Untuk menjadi seorang Point Guard yang handal, ada beberapa aspek yang harus dipenuhi oleh seorang Point Guard. Next, 3 makes a straight cut looking for the pass back from 1. You want to force the offense to start back farther than they want to with your 2-3 Zone Defense. As that happens, 5 fills and replaces at the top of the key. As that happens, 2 makes an l-cut to the top of the key to fill the vacated spot. The main difference is that the 1-2-2 zone defense is a great defense against teams that score a majority of their points from the perimeter, whereas the 2-3 zone provides more inside presence. Advantages of a 2-3 Zone Defense. We have a standard rule: "get as low (to the baseline) as the lowest offensive player." The rules of basketball spell out how and under what circumstances the defense can attempt to stop offensive players. Jadi, pemain tidak perlu mengikuti pemain lawan yang sudah keluar dari "zone" defense dia. A contain press more than a steal press (1) Traps the first pass with 3 in the corner/wing area (2) Drops middle to deny there 2 the ball (3) Traps with one (4) Drops to take away long pass (5) Denies their 5 as the 2nd middle option From this point, the continuity can keep going or the team can switch into another phase. The arrows show how the defenders generally move in the zone. The 1-2-2 zone defense is a variation of the more commonly used 2-3 zone. Strategi defense ini merupakan salah satu variasi dari zone defense 3-2. The shuffle cut phase is derived from the Shuffle Offense and it is activated when the ball is passed to the wing and the player at the top of the key screens away from the ball. When attacking a 3-2 or 1-2-2 zone, there are several important keys to being successful. It is assessed when a member of the defending team spends more than three seconds in the free throw lane (also called the key, the 16-foot lane, or "the paint") while not actively guarding an opponent. Bila 2-3 Zone fokus untuk "menjepit" inside player pemain lawan, maka 3-2 Zone fokus untuk menutup ruang tembak shooter pemain lawan. These phases include a pass and cut option, a post split option, a shuffle cut option, and a ball screen option. X5 always fronts the low-post player. As the offense sets up, the defense matches up as shown. As that happens, 5 makes the flash cut across the lane to the left side high post. Start by lining up D3, D4 and D5 along the bottom and D1 and D2 up top. If the O5 low-post player goes out on the perimeter (as in a 5-out offense), X5 moves out and plays O5 man-to-man. We talk about "not letting the roof cave in" which helps our players visualize keeping the ball above the zone and not allowing interior penetration. Additionally, 1 can spread out to the right side corner to give 5 enough space to operate down low. If not open, 2 moves out to the left side post block. Start in a 2-3 zone Each possession starts in a typical 2-3 … If the entry pass could not be received, 1 would move towards the empty low post block.
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