Graduation day is a momentous day in the life of every student. Congratulations. A letter of congratulations is a considerate way to acknowledge the accomplishments of an honor student. Congratulations. D.A.W. Once again, congratulations. Both “congratulations on” and “congratulations for” are idiomatic. This is one kind of achievement for him/ her thus the sender wants to congratulate him/her by writing this congratulation letter. I wish you the best in life! The journey of life brings both challenges and chances. Happy Pi Day Messages Subject: Congratulations! Congratulations on your success. You worked hard, you deserve it, you have got it. Congratulations on all the hard work, efforts and dedication you have put in to make this possible.”, “This is the first step, first success, first achievement for you and I wish many more achievements to you…. Either “winning the lottery” should be in the ‘for’ list, or all seven examples should use ‘on.’. Congratulations for your success in the examination. Well done students, well done!!! Congratulations to the Top 20 students from each of our graduating classes at Hills East and West! 24) Now that you have graduated you can finally start EARNING but you will never stop LEARNING. Writing a congratulatory letter praises a student's achievements and inspires her to keep up with her current level of work. I congratulate you and wish you the very best for your bright future. !”, Graduation Wishes Messages for Husband Once again, you are one of those people who wants to use logic as your all-purpose hammer and screwdriver. Happy Graduation Messages for Grandson We would like to congratulate you for the achievement that you received. Please accept my congratulations on this wonderful recognition of your merits. My doubt is-Isn’t someone’s achievement a happy event too? The time to use ‘congratulations for’ comes when the reason becomes an optional part of the sentence. In the plural, congratulations is what one offers to express pleasure in the success or good fortune of another. The preposition used, therefore, should not change. Graduation Messages for Siblings This letter is addressed to a student who has got admission in college. The correct preposition to be used with congratulate is ON and nt FOR. Congratulations.” “It is well said that when you hope for the best, the best comes and to them who await failure, failure comes to their hope but as for you, you hoped for success, worked for it without sitting back and it came. If “congratulation” is followed by “for”, it focuses on the reason. Nowadays, wedding guests offer congratulations to both bride and groom, but not so very long ago, it was considered a breach of etiquette to congratulate the bride. The verb “gratulieren” was adopted from other languages – maybe English, maybe French. Happy Graduation Messages for Granddaughter I have a doubt. Education is the license to the future. Congratulations on getting your PhD/Doctorate degree. Graduation Messages for SeniorsGraduation Messages for Special SomeoneCongratulations Graduation Messages for Wife, Preschool Graduation Message from Teacher Funny Graduation Messages for Cards At IGCSE, Nord Anglia Education students continue to significantly outperform UK national averages. We have so much to celebrate. Thank You Messages for Parents on Graduation Day Graduation Messages for Friends Maha Shivaratri Funny Messages Good luck on your permit test Again we want to thank Woodcraft Rangers and Beyond the Bell for giving us the opportunity to help the next generation DRIVE towards the future If it is followed by “on”, it is equall to “about”. Maha Shivratri Whatsapp Status I would say, “congratulations on.”, Copyright © 2020 Daily Writing Tips . Thanks for making me a proud teacher! It felicitates the years of hard work that a student has put in. 23) As a student, today is a proud moment for you to graduate. Thank you so much for believing in our team and wish you good luck for your future endeavors. Maeve Maddox was explaining – by giving examples – of the idiomatic choices of the prepositions in the cases of congratulations on, congratulations for, congratulations to, and so forth. Keep working hard.”, “Warm wishes on graduation to my students who have worked very hard to make this graduation a great success for them and also for their teachers.”, “Warm wishes on graduation to all the students…. Third, in all seven on/for examples, the object of the preposition is a noun. Funny Graduation Messages Congratulations Students on Completing this Course! Happy Graduation to you!! Following a few specific guidelines will help you write a letter that honors students… Notice that when you start thinking about wordiness, you will notice other opportunities to trim fat and increase the ‘punch’ of your writing. Congratulations can be offered as praise for someone’s achievement. The townspeople offered congratulations to the first responders for the swift containment of the wildland fire. Happy graduation! Use of the word to the Groom *was* acceptable as it implies that he fortunately succeeded in finding, wooing and gaining the most beautiful woman in the world as a wife and was complimentary as an affirmation of his masculinity. The 2021 Hills West valedictorian is Ojas Mehta and the salutatorian is Kyra Ramonetti. Several readers have written to ask which preposition should be used with congratulations. Sending a congratulations letter or note to someone about their accomplishments on a project lets them know that all their hard work has made an impact, and a positive impression on the people they work with. As you are close to such person, you will be in a position to feel really proud of their success in life. Simple Congratulations “Congratulations on your well-deserved success.” “Heartfelt congratulations to you.” “Warmest congratulations on your achievement.” “Congratulations and best wishes for your next adventure!” “So pleased to see you accomplishing great things.” Graduation Messages for Daughter Graduation Messages for Brother Hello I’m still a bit confused whether to use on or for, in a formal grammar, after congratulation. Congratulations for saving the farm from foreclosure! Now one of your great desires became real. Your dedication, enthusiasm and insight are really inspiring. Vincent and P.S. Lailat Al Miraj Messages In that context, the preposition to use is for: Congratulations for completing 100 days without an accident! Your achievement is an example to all. Congratulations Graduation Messages for Doctors D.A.W. Congratulations Graduation Messages for Nephew We are proud to have produced a student like you who is bright and smart in every way. That is impossible to do in the cases of many prepositions because the choice of which one to use is so often IDIOMATIC – not just in English, but in many other languages, too. Amara, congratulations message for award “Life being a journey, Success has brought you many miles ahead of many people. You have made all of us proud. The 2021 Hills East valedictorian is Benjamin Goldfried and the salutatorian is Kevin Hoxha. This ward is very special one and it is given to only one kid in a whole year. May you live a proud life. “Congratulations on graduating….. May you achieve many more goals in your life and inspire others around you.”, “You are truly a star which is shining bright with achievements and making us all proud…. Happy graduation!! There is not anything wrong with the combination “congratuation on” when it is used in the idiomatically correct way. Before this word came into the German language, they used the verb “lernen” = “to learn”. Second, grammatically, as an object for the preposition, “winning the lottery” does not differ from “leading the scouts to safety.”. Congratulation Letters for Award Sample 5. I don’t have much formal education in grammar. The fourth and the final three examples all use noun phrases based on gerunds: winning, completing, leading, and saving. Inspirational Holi Messages To Rich Wheeler: Congratulations for saving the farm from foreclosure! Full of hopes and motivation, these graduation wishes and congratulation messages will infuse them with new energies to perform better. Congratulate your relative/friend with us on getting their Doctorate/PhD degree. Unrelated note: “Offer congratulations to” is almost always wordy. Happy Graduation Message for Nursery Each month the Student of the Month and Rope of the Month awards are presented by 17th Training Group leadership. Congratulations on winning the lottery! Congratulations can be offered as praise for someone’s achievement. Congratulations For Good Results: Passing the examination is a great deal for a student. The bride, on the other hand, received best wishes in the hope that her choice of a husband would prove to have been a wise one. D.A.W. As your parents, today is a proud moment for us to see our son finally stand up on his own feet. Congratulations to our students and teachers on their achievements! The word can also be used reflexively: “Go ahead and congratulate yourself. Well done. The first three examples use natural nouns: marriage, baby, and promotion. Wishing you good luck for your future and Happy Graduation.”, “Those who don’t compromise with their hard work are always blessed with success in life…. Finally, congratulations can be used by itself: “Everyone shouted ‘Congratulations!’ as the newlyweds descended the staircase.”. You'll also get three bonus ebooks completely free. Professional Holi Wishes We’ve competed in 25 categories in the TSA Regional competition, and we’ve qualified for state competition from 18 of them with TSA. Congratulations on graduating! Lines on Mahashivratri in English Kudos to our expert immigration counselors and congratulations to all the students on their visa approval. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? “The townspeople offered congratulations to the utility company for the swift restoration of power.”. The townspeople congratulated the first responders for swiftly containing the wildland fire.*. Hence, it was difficult to express this concept in German: to study without learning anything – or without learning very much. As I see it, the difference should be determined not by ‘event’ versus ‘achievement’ (my 30th anniversary last month certainly was an achievement!). You have earned this with your solid determination so now it is your turn. I wish you many years of great achievements. Congratulations can also be offered to someone. 47.2% of all IGCSE grades achieved by Nord Anglia Education students were at the highest levels of A* or A. If in doubt, go with “congratulations on.” It is the collocation most common on the Ngram Viewer. Should we say “congratulations on” or “congratulations for”? Congratulations to all our students on their achievements." St. Patrick’s Day Messages Nothing can stop you now! Now you know that everything is worth it. Jan 20, 2020 - Congratulations Dear, Apurva Prajapati for successfully securing your UK student visa. For all the times of late night studies, lack of sleep and sacrifice of enjoyment your reward is here. 22) Poor students always find problems and look for excuses. The townspeople offered congratulations to the utility company for the swift restoration of power. Congratulations on your graduation! Graduation Messages to Boyfriend In that context, the preposition to use is for: Congratulations for completing 100 days without an accident! So send some best wishes for their good result and congratulate them on passing their exam. !”, “Graduation may be the end of studies but it is also the start of a new chapter of your life…. This is more than double the 2015 UK average of 21.2%. You have used your intelligence to shine like a diamond. It is interesting that centuries ago, German did not have a verb that corresponded to “congratulate”. Many more rewards await you…. Today, they were given a festive farewell – for the first time as a hybrid event. People usually send such messages when a person has acquired a job promotion or success in certain other field. In the HOSA Regional Competition, we qualified for the state competition … Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Congratulations quotes on achievement are used to emphasis that you are proud of the person. As these letters can be personal or professional, but the way of writing should be polite and warm. Keep in touch! Shivratri Advance Wishes Messages !”, “For a teacher, the proud moment is when her students pass with flying colours…. World Kidney Day Messages I came to hold a different view. A well-written letter will really make this person’s day so read on for tips on how to craft a great one. Hence we have created the best congratulation messages for students which will help them to boost their confidence and energy level to do more. Then, there are are those students who do not learn because they don’t study…. Another loan verb from English into German is “studieren”, which means “to study”. It was your sincere dedication and perseverance that has helped you get through the difficult study course with flying colors. Patwal, There are dozens more. Please accept my congratulations and best wishes for going to college! Better: Simply use “congratulate.” Observe the following contrasts: The cartoonist offered congratulations to all her characters for working 1,000 hours without slipping on any banana peels. Always aim for the stars! Wish them with beautifully drafted graduation messages to students. Don’t try to hit it with a hammer. Holi Messages We would like to congratulate our students and teachers for their success. The custom was to congratulate the groom and to offer “best wishes” to the bride. … As I thought about the mechanics, though, the examples using ‘for’ sounded increasingly unnatural. Graduation Whatsapp and Facebook Status It may reflect standard usage. Congratulations can also be offered to someone. Judging by the comments, English speakers do not all agree with my observations. In the singular, congratulation is the action of congratulating. Subject: Graduation Congratulation Letter. Graduation Messages for Boss Subscribers get access to our archives with 800+ interactive exercises! This advice sounded good at first read. Graduation Messages to Son First, achievements such as completing, leading, and saving are all events. Congratulations for acing your papers. !”, “All the hard work that you put in has finally brought you great results…. High School Graduation Messages, Happy Pi Day Quotes The rationale was that the groom deserved to be congratulated because he had won out over his rivals. Try to acknowledge their hardship and say sweet and encouraging words to the struggling students! All the parties that you missed out on, and all the professors you stalked to give you the help that you needed. Congratulations Quotes - View exclusive collection of congratulatory or congrats quotes, congratulations sayings with many quotes on congratulations. Saying ‘Congratulations on completing 100 days without an accident’ doesn’t sound wrong to me? A hearty congratulation on your graduation and wishing you good luck for the new beginning in life. You can see this in the ‘to’ examples: “The CEO offered congratulations to all her employees [for working 1,000 hours without any injuries]. Congratulations for leading the Scouts to safety! You should know that this graduation is an outstanding achievement. I just know you will be able to climb over any challenge that comes your way. Which one is correct: Maha Shivratri Messages for Family, Happy Holi Messages 2021 It will also let the students to know that he/she is getting recognized. Here are 101 congratulations on your achievements messages and sayings for you to use by themselves, or use in a congratulating speech or congratulations letter about achievement. We are extremely elated to announce that a bunch of students from GEPSI recently got their Canada visa approved within just 5-10 days for the September 2019 intake. Congratulations on your PhD Congratulations Messages For Doctorate or PhD Degree. Finally, all your years of hard work and turmoil have paid off. Congratulation help them to get motivated and to try harder and do something even better. You said that ‘Congratulations for’ is used as praise for someone’s achievement while ‘Congratulations on’ is used when expressing one’s good wishes in the context of a happy event. Another good example is “rasieren”, which means “to shave”. Eco Friendly Holi Messages May you carry your spirit to snatch the chances and beat the challenges. Congratulations to the students for the COMPLETION of Online Driver’s Education After School Program 2021 with @woodcraftrangers @btbla. Graduation Message for Preschool Daughter Your future is bright. Graduation ceremony for KLU students (photo gallery) 125 students successfully completed their studies at Kühne Logistics University in 2020. Ex:-The teacher cogratulated the student on his passing the examination in first class. Should be read as “It was in that manner that I was dragged up..”, etc. The combinations of verb plus preposition are also idiomatic, very frequently. #1 Just like the first person to scale Mount Everest, your achievement is a testament to ambition and perseverance. To students; Diploma congrats; Quotes for graduates; Education quotes; Religious quotes; Convocation messages; Exam congrats; Ecards for graduates; Education quotes and wishes Quotes on importance of education An investment in education always pays the best interest. You will improve your English in only 5 minutes per day, guaranteed! It also signifies that now the student is ready to start a new life, be it in the field of academics or professional life. Hello, my child, You are a very special kid and you know why because you work very hard in your studies and even harder when it comes to music. You have a ticket to your dreams come true. (I realize that most people may state that as such, that opinion connotes a sexist attitude, but, as I am in my mid-sixties, and was married for nearly thirty years, I can only plead “guilty as charged”. Are you some sort of Holy Roman Emperor concerning such things? For all the students who have achieved a milestone in their studies and are celebrating their graduation, with them congratulations with inspiring graduation wishes. 2) Even Wolverine couldn’t have cleared these exams. You have worked hard to earn this position, and I’m sure you will do an outstanding job in motivating your team to new, heightened levels of sales performance. The Students, Webinar / By admin_student / January 29, 2021 January 29, 2021. In was in that matter that I was “dragged up”, and I’m not going to change my thinking at this late stage of my existence” ..), Sorry about the typo in the last sentence. Graduation Messages From Parents You’ve worked hard to achieve this promotion, but your efforts were completely worth it. I am still not clear what should be written ‘on ‘ or ‘for’ after congratulations. Congratulations for passing your exams. Congratulations. Why it is that you think that you should veto the usage, and then give absolutely no why or wherefore concerning your reasoning? Share this quote on Facebook Send via Mail . You will now be called Dr. and that is a great deal of respect. Holi Whatsapp Messages Dear _____(Sir or Madam), It gives us great pleasure in congratulating you for your successful completion of graduation in _____ (Name of the Course/Section) from _____ (Name of the School/University). Congratulations! Congratulations on your graduation. May you reach all your goals. Given below are graduation messages to students from teacher. Please accept my sincere congratulations on your achievement! Dear Name, I just heard about your promotion to Regional Sales Manager at ABC Company. Hence we have created the best congratulation messages for Sep … Sweet Graduation Wishes Messages for Niece Send sweet graduation messages, high school graduation messages, graduation wishes to wish them success in their life. Graduation Messages for Classmates Graduation Wishes For Relatives Congratulations. I remember all those nights you stayed up late to study for exams. Congratulations for Passing Exams and Tests: Best Wishes for Students 1) Exams or not, we always knew that you were a champion in the making. The CEO offered congratulations to all her employees. Graduation Messages to Sister You deserve it.”. All Right Reserved, Connotations of 35 Words for Funny People. The preposition on is used when expressing one’s good wishes in the context of a happy event: Congratulations on your marriage! Wishing you Happy Graduation and best wishes for your future.”, “You are a shining star as you have passed with flying colours….. Congratulations on graduation and lots of luck for your future goals.”, “Each achievement is important because it is a result of many failures and success…. Graduation Messages for Mother and Father The cartoonist congratulated all her characters for working 1,000 hours without slipping on any banana peels. Graduation Messages from Family In German, all verbs that have been “borrowed” from other languages end in “ieren” in their infinitive forms. As a former college teacher in electronics and mathematics, I can assure you that there is a significant percentage of students who do study without learning very much. Funny Holi Messages, Happy Graduation Messages for Granddaughter, Sweet Graduation Wishes Messages for Niece, Thank You Messages for Parents on Graduation Day, Graduation Messages for Mother and Father, Congratulations Graduation Messages for Nephew, Congratulations Graduation Messages for Doctors, Congratulations Graduation Messages for Wife, Preschool Graduation Message from Teacher, Graduation Message for Preschool Daughter, Happy Maha Shivratri Messages 2021: Best Wishes, Shiva Quotes, Status, 20+ Best Lord Shiva Quotes Sayings | Mahadev Blessing Messages, April Fools Jokes and Pranks Messages for Students Online, Funny April Fools’ Day Jokes and Pranks for School, graduation speech for elementary school kids, graduation wish message from teacher for student, message for graduating grade elementary students, message to graduating students of junior high, what can a teacher write to a student in a graduation card, year book business congradulations to students. World Sleep Day Quotes, Maha Shivratri Messages Congratulations on Best Poster Presentation The 24th Thai Neuroscience Society Conference 2021 (TNS 24) “Transdisciplinary Neuroscience Research and Innovation” January 29, 2021 Associate Professor Naiphinich Kotchabhakdi’s Award Pornyupa Sanguanwong (Major Advisor: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Congratulations to the Students of the Month and Rope of the Month winners for January. Congratulations on your promotion! Congratulations on your new baby! Congratulations on your success in the examination. No Smoking Day Messages Graduation Messages to Cousin 21) Just like how a diamond is worthless until it is polished, intelligence is worthless if it is not put to good use. Congratulations for leading the Scouts to safety! I was taught that “Congratulations” to the Bride was unacceptable as its usage might possibly be perceived as an insult to both parties (“Success at ‘getting’ *any* man”) and as such was therefore not justifiably applied in that instance. It pays to study! Congratulations … Lord Shiva Quotes Sayings Congratulations and well done.
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