Just like the first person to walk on the moon, the stars are the limit for someone of your talent. 5. #13 Turn up the music and put on your dancing shoes. And then thought about what a monumental achievement you’ve accomplished? Congratulations! You have done a fine job there for many years, and you deserve the recognition and responsibility of the position. Congratulations on reaching this moment! I hope you are truly proud of who you are and what you’ve done. Congratulations. Congratulations! It is certainly well deserved. It takes dedication, discipline, and a whole lot of heart, all things you have in spades. Browse even more sample letters of congratulations for further inspiration. It’s each one of those accomplishments that have prepared you for this promotion. Each hurdle you overcame taught you a lesson. Use these email messages as a model for your own letter of congratulations. Congratulations For Promotion: Every dutiful employee deserves to be a reward which might come in the form of higher pay or promotion. Just like that winning film, you are the best picture. It’s a great way to keep in touch with people you may not see or interact with on a regular basis. You’re ready to show the world it’s time for you to be on top. #16 This promotion you received can be thought of as a key. Oprah Winfrey, “Be nice to people on the way up, because you may meet them on the way down.” This promotion pays tribute to your personal and professional growth. Congratulation Message to Boss on His Promotion. Your hard work, dedication, and perseverance are just a few of the qualities that make you the right fit. We can all learn from your ability to follow your dreams and succeed. Congratulations on this promotion! Henry James, “Make each day your masterpiece.” Abraham Lincoln, “Life is wide, limitless. Congratulations! You have surpassed all expectations and continually surprise me. You’ve shown time and again that you’ve got what it takes. Here are some congratulations message that focuses on promotion so you can tell that person just what he or she needs to hear the most. Congratulations! Ray Kroc, “There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind.” Well done on this tremendous accomplishment! Your accomplishment warrants a celebration with the finest food and drinks that money can buy –  or at the very least, it deserves a massive CONGRATULATIONS. Congratulations Email Message for a Promotion. All life is an experiment.” The promoted always deserved a position for a person like you. You have all the makings of a truly remarkable leader. “In fact, I think that if you do this, it will be remembered by that boss likely for a long time because today people are not writing handwritten notes or much of anything,” Wascovich says. Glad you got the opportunity. Recommandé pour vous en fonction de ce qui est populaire • Avis #18 You didn’t get promoted just for working hard and doing well. The most alive is the wildest.” Johnny Carson, “The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus.” Desire.” You’ve been ambitious in your goals, and you’ve backed it up with an unmatched determination and a strong work ethic. #4 Going above and beyond what is required of you can sometimes seem like a thankless task. The more you dream, the farther you get.” The more they succeed, the more they want to succeed, and the more they find a way to succeed. Not being born with hidden talents. #8 When vying for a promotion, people often try to steamroll over their competition. Everyone enjoys getting some well-deserved praise. #19 Some people only dream about success, and others go out and work for it. It was a question of time your company realized that they had a gem of a person working for them. #1 Congratulations on your new position. #42 Success is not something you are born with. That person is you. Congratulation Message for Promotion. Congratulations! I am excited to watch you glide along the extraordinary path ahead of you. There is nothing that is going to stop you now. However, it’s hard to find someone who will not only do the job, but someone who will strive to achieve even more than just the role itself. #37 No one deserves this more than you do – you worked tirelessly to hit this milestone. Edith Wharton, “You can’t put a limit on anything. This milestone deserves all the congratulatory messages and partying possible. Congratulations-on-Promotion Congratulations Wishes On Promotion – Messages & Quotes. I can’t wait to see what you will learn and what new challenges you will overcome! Vince Lombardi, send our content editing team a message here, 101 Best Sample Congratulatory Messages on New Appointment, 23 Great Professional Voicemail Messages Samples, 40 Most Asked Kroger Interview Questions with Answers, 40 Most Asked Subway Interview Questions with Answers, 33 Strong Business Analyst Resume Objective Statement Examples, 35 Impressive College Student Resume Objective Examples, 40 Most Asked Dental Assistant Interview Questions with Answers, 33 Examples of an Internship Resume Objective Statement, 40 Most Asked Taco Bell Interview Questions with Answers, 34 Best Nursing Resume Objective Statement Examples, 50 Most Asked Assistant Principal Interview Questions with Answers, 31 Best Clerical Resume Objective Statement Examples. Congratulations! #36 I couldn’t believe my ears when I heard the news – and I must be honest, I expected no less from you. #45 Much like the inventor of the automobile, your trailblazing approach creates a path for others to follow. Congratulations on your promotion. That respect for others shows who you really are and is no doubt why you were chosen above the rest. Best wishes for continued success in your career. I know you’re going to nail it. #2 If you want something badly enough, you need to go out there and earn it. I hope you plan on celebrating in a big way. Indira Gandhi, “Be happy for this moment. I am happy for you. Wa… You will climb the ladder of success pretty soon with your stellar performance. #50 I know that your hard work sowed the seeds of this great success. Best of luck for your upcoming future and congratulations on your graduation. Congratulations on your future successes! I’m so proud of how hard you’ve tried. #20 When a promotion comes up, there is a decision that must be made: who can do the job. Tony Robbins, “I cannot give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formula for failure – It is: Try to please everybody.” Michael Phelps, “Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground.” Beyond that, emails like these are relationship builders. #47 An achievement like yours is remarkable and worthy of all the commendation and congratulation that words can provide. Congrats! Why take the time to congratulate someone for getting a promotion? Hope this promotion brings all kinds of new challenges and opportunities for you. The right choice was made when they picked you. #26 It isn’t every day that one achieves something like you have. #49 Your hard work and dedication never cease to surprise me. Congratulations! Congratulations on your promotion. #5 A promotion can bring with it a mixture of emotions, excitement, anxiety, and fear of the unknown. Please accept my heartiest congratulations on your recognition. 100 Congratulations Messages and Wishes For Promotion Of Colleague. Asad Meah, “If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.” Your victory certainly deserves a big celebration. Thank you for always being a source of light. Cheers to you! George Bernard Shaw, “Live all you can; it’s a mistake not to.” You walk that path with such grace and ease that your peers can’t help but watch in amazement. Dear Evan, Congratulations on your promotion to Vice President of Pumpkintown Savings Bank. Sometimes, people will congratulate you for obvious reasons, such as a pregnancy, and other times, it’s for achievements like a promotion, a new job, or passing an important exam. Congratulations on your promotion. Congratulations on achieving all that you set out to do. Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.” Congratulations on your promotion to the boss. You keep marching on while letting your achievements speak for themselves! #17 A promotion is kind of like winning an Academy Award. Congratulations! I wish you all the best for being the new boss of the company. It is the most precious expectation for a dedicated employee. So when it comes to your boss receiving a promotion, they shall be bombarded with recognitions and congratulatory messages as well.Here is a list of greetings, messages and wishes that one can use to convey their happy regards to their bosses. Your promotion is so spectacular that it deserves skywriting by day and fireworks by night so the whole world can be lit with your greatness. Has your friend, family member or a colleague recently got … How to Write a Congratulations Email for a Promotion, How to Congratulate Someone on a Promotion, How Not to Congratulate Someone on a Promotion, Write an Achievement Congratulations Letter, Leaving Your Job? Jimmy Durante, “The purpose of life is to believe, to hope, and to strive.” When you beloved one, friend, husband, wife, father, mother, any one else get promoted convey them your wishes through this congratulation messages for promotion. I can’t wait to see where that potential will take you. You have a rare knack for elevating those around you. Examples include, “I want to be the first to congratulate you on your promotion,” or “Great job on all your hard work that led to your promotion.” Other possibilities include simple phrases such as, “Cheers on the new job,” or "Job well done. “You get in life what you have the courage to ask for.” If this doesn’t merit a party, I don’t know what does. #11 It takes hundreds of small achievements to climb the ladder of success. What we did before suddenly seems easy, and what lies ahead is now an exciting opportunity to achieve even more. You deserve this promotion because of your relentless hard work. Taking the time to send a congratulations note, whether it's for a new job, promotion, a successful venture, or simply for a job well done, is terrific for networking and relationship building. #44 From the first moment we met, I knew that I should expect great things from you. Congratulations.” “It is well said that when you hope for the best, the best comes and to them who await failure, failure comes to their hope but as for you, you hoped for success, worked for it without sitting back and it came. Milton Berle, “With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.” Subject line: Congratulations on Your Promotion. I know very few people who could measure up to you. I’m so proud of you. It is the byproduct of hard work, intelligence, leadership, and creativity. Your constant drive to want to do better and be better has paid off. #21 If you ever feel as though something is too difficult and you aren’t sure you can do it, remember the way you feel right now. Congratulations on your promotion. Plus, it’s always a good idea to make friends with people who are on their way up. Now it’s time to use everything you’ve learned and apply it to this new role. There couldn’t be a better fit for promotion. Congratulations on your well-deserved promotion! To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” I have no doubt in my mind you will continue to grow and succeed. Everything is possible when you just believe in yourself! And that’s exactly what you’ve done. It’s a testament to hard work and perseverance. Congratulations on your success. #28 Light up a bonfire, gather around, and let’s celebrate! 4. With all those hard works and sleepless nights, finally bearing fruit. Similarly, when someone is failing, the tendency is to get on a downward spiral that can even become a self-fulfilling prophecy.” Congratulations on this promotion! I am greatly inspired by your dedication, sir. Congratulations on your promotion, that was a huge success for you. Congratulations! Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe, “Dream as if you’ll live forever, live as if you’ll die today.” Continue on your path, and you’ll reach the summit in no time, but for now, enjoy. Take a moment to relax and reflect on all that you’ve done. There is no border, no frontier.” Here is a look at some amazing sample congratulatory messages on a new appointment that you can use to congratulate someone on a new job. Oliver Wendell Holmes, “We no longer live life. Graduation Message. Congratulations! I just know this promotion will be one of many in your future.
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