La compañía dirigida por Jaume Roures ha denunciado a Canal Plus Francia por “abuso de posición dominante”. Canal+ president Maxime Saada has called Mediapro’s broadcast rights deal with the French Professional Football League (LFP) “untenable.” The body running the top-flight Ligue 1 is currently embroiled in a legal battle with Spanish agency Mediapro over non-payment of its second €172 million rights fee installment. El fútbol francés agoniza: la Ligue 1, en serio peligro de quedarse sin televisión. Canal Plus is reportedly planning to bid for the rights to France’s Ligue 1 if negotiations between current holder Mediapro and the French football league (LFP) fail. According to L’Equipe, Canal Plus is preparing to offer €700 million for the rights. Chinese-owned company Mediapro wins French Ligue 1 soccer broadcasting rights over France’s own Canal Plus Sign in/up. Esta decisión abre muchos interrogantes. First, neither Canal + nor beIN Sports have applied. Mediapro agreed to pay Ligue 1 clubs €3.25bn over four seasons. Then, none of the reserve prices were reached for the six lots that it had put up for sale. Ligue 1 and Ligue 2 rights in the current cycle (2016-17 to 2019-20) were sold to BeIN Sports and Canal Plus for a total of €726.5 million per season, and the clubs had targeted at least €1 billion per season from 2020-21 onwards, as they looked to capitalise on the heightened interest (and viewing figures) following the arrival of Brazilian star Neymar at Paris Saint-Germain. Canal + to give up existing minority broadcast rights for Ligue 1 in power move. China. Mediapro contraataca. World. Economy. Hong Kong. The French football league governing body, LFP, has sold to Canal Plus the Ligue 1 broadcasting rights for the 2020-2021 season returned by Mediapro in December. November 6, 2020. It skipped a €172m payment to Ligue 1 on October 5 — only ... by nearly 60 per cent to €1.05bn. Canal , contra la Ligue 1 por los derechos televisivos de Mediapro. Tech. Mediapro obtuvo en 2018 el 80% de los derechos de televisión de la Ligue 1 por 780 millones de euros anuales (928 millones de dólares) para el periodo 2020-2024. Established French broadcaster Canal Plus already had two Ligue 1 games from each round, including the top pick. However, they subsequently felt that this number was bloated by the fact that the value of the league deteriorated significantly after the Mediapro deal fell through. Saada: Mediapro non-payment ‘risks damage’ to Ligue 1 image and value Canal Plus president Maxime Saada has said he is “very worried for French football” as a result of the ongoing dispute between Mediapro, the rights agency and production group, and the Professional Foo… Canal Plus looks the likeliest buyer for … Canal+ Francia pierde los derechos de la Ligue 1 francesa en favor de Mediapro La Ligue de Football Professionnel supera las previsiones de la subasta de los derechos televisivos alcanzando los 1.153,47 millones de euros. Téléfoot continue à diffuser 80% des deux prochaines journées de ligue 1 et … By Jenny Priestley Published: February 5, … Broadcaster has reached an agreement with the French football league following the collapse of the deal with Mediapro. Asia. Business. Spanish broadcasting group Mediapro, majority-owned by Chinese private equity fund Orient Hontai, won three of the seven lots on offer, including the one featuring the […] Sports; Football Ligue 1 – TV: A discount for Mediapro? Même si le duo CANAL/BEIN est pressenti comme favori, aucune information officielle n’est disponible à ce jour. Vivendi shares hit as Canal Plus loses Ligue 1 football. Following the cancellation of Mediapro’s deal with French professional football league LFP, clubs anticipate Canal+ once again assuming its role of lead partner. The channel was due to broadcast two games a week under the terms of a €330 million contract. Pero tras su primer pago en agosto, Mediapro rechazó pagar los 172 millones de euros (204 millones de dólares) que debía desembolsar en octubre, pidiendo una revisión de las modalidades del contrato por la crisis sanitaria. He also wants a re-tender for the 2020-2024 campaigns. La Ligue 1 no podrá difundirse a partir del 5 de febrero en Francia, si se cumple al pie de la letra lo que acaba de anunciar Canal Plus Francia. French pay TV firm Canal+ has handed back its media rights to the country’s Ligue 1 division, and has called for a fresh bidding process.. Mediapro rompió el contrato y el campeonato cierra su licitación sin ofertas de Canal+ y BeIn Sports. 0 But she received two bad news. Canal +, meanwile, had a deal in place to broadcast two Ligue 1 matches per week for a fee of €332m per season. Les négociations de la ligue avec un nouveau diffuseur sont en cours. Mediapro paid €780 million to originally secure the rights. Canal +, contra la Ligue 1 por los derechos televisivos de Mediapro. El brasileño Neymar, ... Todos miran a Canal Plus. Mediapro has done more than politely request such talks. As the 2020/21 football season began, Ligue 1 TV rights were shared by Spanish pay-TV firm Mediapro, which claimed 80%, and French pay-TV group Canal+ which took the rest. Ligue 1 de Francia rompe con Mediapro por la falta de pago por los derechos de televisión. Maxime Saada, Canal+ Chairman and CEO of Canal+ Group, has told daily Le Figaro that the company wants to return the €330 million TV rights sub-licensed from beIN Sports. Canal Plus nets remaining Ligue 1 matches. ... Canal Plus was beaten by Mediapro, a Spanish TV production group majority-owned by Chinese private equity fund Orient Hontai. 'Canal +', contra la Ligue 1 por los derechos televisivos de Mediapro por BeSoccer @besoccer_es - 25 Ene 2021 0 212 Canal+ Francia ha recurrido como se esperaba a los tribunales para denunciar la operación lanzada por la liga francesa de fútbol, que ha decidido revender únicamente los derechos de televisión a los que ha renunciado Mediapro. Talks are accelerating between the French Ligue de Football Professionnel and longtime media partner Canal+ about the net taking all or part of Mediapro's rights to Ligue 1, as the Spanish company still refuses to pay what it owes for this season, according to sources. She hoped to resell the 80% of Ligue 1 and Ligue 2 broadcasting rights that she had recovered from Mediapro. BeSoccer 16 horas The French football league LFP said it has awarded five of the seven packages of Ligue 1 broadcast rights for the 2020-2024 period, for a record EUR 1.15 billion per season. Mediapro obtuvo en 2018 el 80% de los derechos de televisión de la Ligue 1 por 780 millones de euros anuales (928 millones de dólares) para el periodo 2020-2024. El grupo sino-español Mediapro firmó un acuerdo con el grupo audiovisual francés TF1 para crear una canal deportivo en Francia llamado Telefoot, anunciaron este … La productora española considera que Canal Plus Francia está intentando su expulsión del mercado galo de derechos televisivos, según ha avanzado L’Équipe.. Mediapro presentó la demanda la semana pasada ante el Tribunal de Comercio de París. Speaking in an interview with Les Echos, Director General of Canal +, Maxime Saada, appeared to suggest that he had no intention of bailing Ligue 1 out of their Mediapro deal, who had bought the domestic rights for the next four seasons, but were unable to make a payment of €172m due in October, leaving the survival of French football clubs dangerously in the balance. TV rights in Ligue 1: Mediapro takes Canal + to courtParis (AFP) Mediapro, the major broadcaster of Ligue 1 wishing to revise its contract downward, has taken Canal + to court, accusing it of trying to oust it from the French football TV rights market, we learned Thursday from a source having knowledge of the file. Mediapro lleva a Canal+ a tribunales por derechos de TV de Ligue 1.
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