Sin is the transgression of the Law, and the Law governs our former personality—that which has been grafted into union with Christ in His death on the cross. Neither the present earth nor the new earth belongs to Satan but to the Lord Jesus Christ. But the teachers and saints even of his own day could not grasp Paul’s thinking. The new covenant has little to do with the terms of the old covenant, and this is why Paul did not want the believers to attempt to mix the two. Paul had never visited the church in Rome and was writing this letter to them from Corinth. It is not our intention, in so saying, to discourage some sincere disciple who is not growing as fast as he thinks he should. An attitude of rebellion and resistance against authority is not approved of God. This is a warped idea. The more completely we are willing to be fashioned in His death the more completely we will be fashioned in His life. Tertius, a man who wrote this epistle as Paul dictated it. God the Father, through Christ our Lord. For those who have obeyed the Holy Spirit in putting to death the deeds of their body the coming of salvation will mean the removal of the last traces of sin and the receiving of a body that loves righteousness instead of sin. Christ died and rose again two thousand years ago. If we do not have a measure of integrity in our first personality we may find it difficult, or even impossible, to crucify our old nature and patiently bring forth the new personality. The teaching that states we cannot, through the Lord Jesus, overcome sin and self-will in this world is unscriptural. He soon will come and destroy such spirits with a wrath incomprehensible to human beings. 5. In the last few verses of Chapter Six of Romans we can observe that the grace of God leads from slavery to sin, to slavery to God. These are forgiven and removed by the Lord Jesus. Sin does not proceed from the Lord God of Heaven. As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me. In fact, God meets the individual who “rejoiceth and worketh righteousness.” Rather, Isaiah is proclaiming that God willingly accepts the righteous individual; but the Jews of Isaiah’s day were practicing uncleanness. 1. With this in mind, our continuing in the works of malice and lust of our former personality would be contrary to all that we, by faith, are testifying is taking place in us. He has moved from the demands of the Law to an inconceivably greater demand: “Offer your physical body to Me. 8. The Christian Church does not always appear to be aware of this fact. We do not pamper sin or rebellion in our life. Whether we are Jew or Gentile, God is not in our debt. The Spirit of God implants in us the Virtue, wisdom, and energy of Christ—His love of righteousness and hatred of lawlessness. God already has given to you through Christ the authority and power to cast of these chains, these graveclothes. He is a light to those who are in darkness. Your wages are eternal death!” (Romans 6:23). It would not have been a boasting that gave credit to God. What resulted from Adam’s disobedience? 4. The Judge stands at the door. I am not practicing the things I desire to do. 7. The fruit God is looking for is Christ in us. Although they know how to rejoice and to triumph fiercely and independently in the Lord God, and are free from all men, yet they also know how to submit themselves one to another and to all authority, in the name of Christ. The new person produced by this union is not the Father, nor is he the Lord Jesus Christ, nor is he we ourselves. How did God respond to man’s casting Him aside? This fact alone reveals to us that many of the churches of Christ are not in the Kingdom of God and have no part whatever in the Kingdom of God. Think about the following words directed toward the believers in Sardis: Can you see in the above verse that if we defile our garments (walk in unrighteousness) today we will not be granted the white robe of righteous behavior in the Day of Christ? 8. Some believers are rebuked and chastened by the Lord Jesus to their astonishment and dismay, shaking their trust in the goodness of God (I Corinthians 11:32, Revelation 3:19). Who has resisted God’s purpose?”. What is true now of the Roman Christians? 9. Much depends on our attitude and our words, as well as on our deeds. 3. Our task is to keep ourselves in the love of God, in the Presence and will of Christ. 39. What does the Scripture state concerning the Lord Jesus Christ? The people of Rome already had heard the Gospel. Until the Christian churches understand this the present moral disaster will continue. Every devout, experienced Christian will recognize the implications of the issue we are raising here. For centuries, students of the Bible from all walks of life have hailed the Book of Romans as one of the most important theological expressions in the history of the world. Physical resurrection will take place instantly. The resurrection life is in us now, waiting for the Father’s time to be exercised. What is Paul’s answer to the question that has been raised by human thinking? We are determined to obey God. Now we are ready for a strong, conquering love of righteous behavior and a strong, conquering hatred of sin and disobedience to be developed in us—for Christ loves righteousness and hates wickedness. Divine peace is the Presence of Christ in our heart and mind so we possess a deeply settled awareness of joy and security, whether or not we are pleased with our outward circumstances. After we have attained the resurrection we may be assigned to serve the Lord Jesus on the earth, or in Heaven, as the Lord directs. So they would not fall into presumptuous pride because of their “own wisdom and goodness” in receiving Christ. If we reckon ourselves dead in water baptism, then the Law of Moses no longer has jurisdiction over us. This was the case when the Levites (Exodus, Chapter 32) came out from the remainder of the Israelites and killed their brothers with the sword. Only the forming and dwelling of Christ in us are sufficient to release us from the chains of slavery to sin. Absolutely not! If you will simply accept Christ whom God has given, God’s righteousness and salvation will be yours.”. No, it is referring also to us who believe in the One who raised Jesus our Lord from among the dead. Rejoice in the hope of the coming of Christ. Christ is the end, the termination, the superseding, the completion, the goal, the consummation, of the Law of Moses bringing righteousness to everyone who believes in Him. Predestination is a sovereign work of God. Yet today we have Christians teaching that there are two churches of God, one Jewish and one Gentile. 7. Every descendant of Adam and Eve is born dead, being under the guilt of sin and the power of sin. you would like further study on any chapter, I suggest you read Dr. James Boice’s commentaries on Romans. We partake of new-covenant righteousness as we walk after the Spirit. On the basis of his or her faith in the things God has promised through Christ, just as was true of Abraham. 5. We are raising this issue at the point of Romans 2:6. We always are to present our body a living and holy sacrifice to God. Rather, it is true that after God justifies us we must go through the “wilderness” while God sanctifies us. There are deaths that the faithful followers of Christ are required to pass through that are far more difficult to endure than physical death. The name Sardis means remnant, or they who have escaped. A believer in Christ is a saint, a holy person. Remain in fellowship with the brothers and sisters, not allowing himself to become lifted up in pride. He has a day that he sets aside as being holy. 28. Our life and breath were given us by the Lord. Whom did Paul commend to the saints of Rome? We would insert a note of caution at this time. God already views that individual in the state of glorification, the condition in which eternal, incorruptible resurrection life is filling every particle of his spirit, his soul, and his body. If all the saints on the earth of all time were to assemble in one place and agree on one course of action it would still be nothing and less than nothing. The saint is to step back and leave room for God’s wrath, not responding in rage. The new creation that we will be seen to be will not be us, nor will it be Christ. This free Bible study on the letter to the Romans includes: A full 13-part video Bible study. People can receive the pure righteousness of God as His gift, under His conditions, and in the manner and to the extent that satisfies God. When will the door be opened so earth’s prisoners can be restored to the Presence of God and the lost Paradise? Sanctification is holiness—holiness that is the Presence of God in Christ. If so it is because the Spirit of wisdom and revelation is not abiding in us. If we continue to turn our back on God’s will for us our end will be tragic indeed when compared with the glory that the Lord had prepared for us. Paul was also known as Saul. It is resident in our flesh. Paul asks the Christians of our own day: “Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound”? This is at least part of the reason why people are unwilling to receive Christ as their personal Lord. Salvation independent of godly behavior is an error in Protestant theology and represents an erroneous application of Paul’s thesis. When we are under the Law, sin has dominion over us because the Law points out our guilt but does not deliver us from the bondage of sin. Why was it necessary that Christ die on our behalf? Guile, an evil disposition, whispering. Not a law requiring religious observances but a law requiring faith. What should we be passing judgment upon? Because of these Satan-destroying virtues and energies the Christian disciple is assured of a continually maturing ability to overcome sinful tendencies through the Virtue contained in Christ’s resurrection Life. Our wages will be death. We understand, therefore, that the Scripture itself reports that the writings of Paul contain “things hard to be understood.” Apparently Peter himself did not understand the principal differences between the two covenants. The only righteousness God ultimately accepts is that which comes from Himself through the Lord Jesus Christ. But it was after Abraham actually went ahead with the sacrifice of Isaac that God spoke: God judges people by what they do, what actions they take. The tormenting fire, and those who dwell therein, will serve as a perpetual reminder to the whole universe of the result of sin and rebellion against the Most High. Unfortunately, Paul’s “redemption by grace” has been understood by many in our own day (as we emphasized previously) to mean the Christian salvation has little to do with the way people behave. The removal of the Ark from the remainder of the Tabernacle of the Congregation portrays the removal of the firstfruits of the Church from the remainder of the Church, for a season. We shall be recompensed according to our works. The true Christian way is the way of cross-carrying obedience to Christ. There is enough virtue in Christ to enable us to overcome our sins if this is what we want to do. 22. What does Paul urge the believers in Rome to do? The best Romans commentaries are listed below. This perversion of Paul’s intention and doctrine has destroyed the moral strength of the churches. We pass into the Presence of God when we die physically, if we die in Christ. Why does God protect some people from making disastrous choices and permit other people to make those choices? Inner resurrection can take place only as the Holy Spirit brings us into circumstances that cleanse and crucify a part of our personality, and then raises the slain part into newness of life in Christ.
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