1979 Revolution: Black Friday iNK Stories 2016. Advertisements. 1979 Revolution Black Friday free download - Wrestling Revolution, 1979 Revolution: Black Friday, Gunbound Revolution, and many more programs All Reviews: Mostly Positive (896) - 76% of the 896 user reviews for this game are positive. Advertisements. About 1979 Revolution: Black Friday. 1979 Revolution: Black Friday. And it is such an important game. 0. Iranian Revolution History Lesson Everyone [7.0/10]. 1979 Revolution: Black Friday ist ein interaktives Drama über Entscheidungen und Konsequenzen, Chaos und Ordnung, dass auf wahren historischen Begebenheiten beruht. 1979 Revolution: Black Friday. Find reviews, trailers, release dates, news, screenshots, walkthroughs, and more for 1979 Revolution: Black Friday here on GameSpot. reviewed on PC. This is our review of 1979 Revolution: Black Friday for Nintendo Switch. MrFob. Everyone should play it. Play as Reza, an aspiring photojournalist, and make life and death decisions as you survive the gritty streets of Iran in the late 1970’s. Jetzt ist Deine Meinung zu 1979 Revolution: Black Friday im Test - Iran einmal anders gefragt. Erfahrener Benutzer Registriert seit 20.04.2011. It’s a beautiful, heart-wrenching story that makes you quickly fall for every character on screen. 1979 Revolution: Black Friday tells the story of Reza, a photographer caught up in the Iranian revolution. View all the Achievements here Confusion, doubt, and poker-facing happen while the rest of the story gets told, largely in flashbacks. Video game is one of greatest medium as learning tool in the digital age, whether it can be as history re-imagining in many fantasy video games or history revisionist based on the company agenda to re-write a piece of history for pandering. 1979 Revolution: Black Friday is an adventure interactive drama video game developed and published by iNK Studios, with assistance from by N. 1979 Revolution: Black Friday could be described an adventure drama, inspired by historical events — but that doesn’t really do the game justice. Originally announced in 2011 and eventually seeing a 2016 release on Steam, iOS, and Android, 1979 Revolution: Black Friday had a development cycle befitting the subject matter of the game. 1979 Revolution: Black Friday is developed by iNK Stories , N-Fusion Interactive and published by iNK Stories. Außerdem das aktuell beste aus App Store und Google Play Store sowie den einen oder anderen Geheimtipp! 1979 Revolution: Black Friday follows the story of Iranian photographer Reza Shirazi as he gets swept up in the events of a rapidly changing nation. Price history (USD) No data. Für die Erstellung entspricht es dem Studio iNK Geschichten, gegründet von iranischen Navid Khonsariego, einem ehemaligen Mitarbeiter des Studios Rockstar , der zuvor Titel wie Grand Theft Auto III und Red Dead Revolver Co-erstellt. 1979 REVOLUTION: BLACK FRIDAY opens in 1980 with the Iranian Revolution one year already in the past, with photographer Reza being cornered by a torturer trying to extract from him why he did the things he did. Read full review. Gameplay. Beiträge 4.726. Smash Bros Ultimate, Dark Souls Remastered + More: Hands on Nintendo Switch Gameplay. 19.04.2016, 19:21 #2. 1979 Revolution Black Friday ist ein Abenteuerspiel , in dem ein großer Wert auf Spieler Entscheidungen und deren Folgen. $4.99 Buy **Winner of Grand Jury Prize at IndieCade ‘16, Official Selection of The PAX 10, Game of the Year Finalist by TIGA, BEST OF E3 Nominee by IGN, People’s Choice Finalist by FoST, Medal Winner at Serious Play Awards. 1979 Revolution: Black Friday. 1979 Revolution: Black Friday Review: Educational and Recreational. In der appgemeinde findet ihr alles rund um die besten Spiele für iPhone, iPad und Android-Geräte! Publisher: Digerati. Wir sind im Jahr 1978, in Tehran, Iran. Über uns. Read Next. Cumulative review history. Add to Wishlist. iNK Stories Adventure. July 30, 2018 0 Shares. It was released in 5 Apr, 2016. 1979 Revolution: Black Friday is a choice driven, narrative game that brings players into the brooding world of a nation on the verge of collapse. 1979 Revolution: Black Friday is a choice driven, narrative game that brings players into the brooding world of a nation on the verge of collapse. Review – 1979 Revolution: Black Friday. Here's where Total War: Warhammer 3 will be set and what races we can … 1979 Revolution: Black Friday formats itself as a sequence of flashbacks with Rezan currently under interrogation and relaying his story to his tormentor. However, it breaks from the mold of its influences by sneaking in a wealth of educational material in multiple effective ways. Developed by iNK Stories N-Fusion Interactive Published by iNK Stories Peak — Current #13825. Full list of all 39 1979 Revolution: Black Friday achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore. by Jordan Humphries. The Iranian Revolution saw … 1979 Revolution: Black Friday tells the story of the Iranian Revolution in the year within the title. Afterall, it is set in Iran as the powder kegs of political and social unrest were about to explode. Review Raising the bar. 1979 Revolution: Black Friday is a choice driven, narrative game that brings players into the brooding world of a nation on the verge of collapse. 1979 Revolution: Black Friday Essentials 1979 Revolution: Black Friday Updates; Trending on GameWatcher. 1979 Revolution: Black Friday makes an effort to remind us. 1979 Revolution: Black Friday Review Playstation 4 , Reviews Sam Brooke August 24, 2018 PS4 Indie , 1979 Revolution: Black Friday , PS4 adventure , narrative focus , iNK Stories It’s rare to see a game dedicated to a single day from history, and it’s even more rare to play a game in which you’re not an important component of it. Players control Reza Shirazi—an aspiring photojournalist who returns to Iran amidst the Iranian Revolution. Developer: Ink Stories. 1979 Revolution: Black Friday Reviews We haven't played this game yet. 1979 Revolution: Black Friday Nintendo Switch Review by SwitchWatch. Ranking history. Die appgemeinde sucht tatkräftige Unterstützung! Interacting with different camps of protesters as well as conflicting family members, players must decide whether to take peaceful or violent movements throughout the narrative, shaping consequences that form later on. Release Date: August 2nd 2018. Verstärkung gesucht! Aug 5, 2016. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews 3 in Group Chat | View Stats. The writer, director, and fellow Canadian Navid Khonsari clearly has a passion for this subject matter as he was a kid in Iran at the time of this revolution. April 19th, 2016 by Sorin Annuar. Mature 17+ 230. Reviews 1979 Revolution: Black Friday Nintendo Switch Review. 1979 Revolution: Black Friday’s visuals generally were very well done. It feels more like a playable documentary where you walk around Tehran for about two hours (real time), capturing the revolution on a camera so old that the effort Reza puts into winding the film put a wry smile on my face. Home Reviews Previews Tech Features DarkCast DCI Videos Contact Reviews Previews Tech Features DarkCast DCI Videos Contact 1979 Revolution: Black Friday certainly provides a setting that is not commonplace in video games, nor in Western media as a whole. 1979 revolution black friday. Nearly 40 years have passed since the tumultuous events of the Iranian Revolution that led to the overthrow of the Pahlavi dynasty and the birth of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Review: 1979 Revolution: Black Friday (Nintendo Switch) Review by Matt S. It's almost impossible to find good quality information about the Middle East out here in the west. 1979 Revolution: Black Friday is an adventure interactive drama video game. 0. SystemNotFound created Jan 01, 2020 07:00. Review: 1979 Revolution: Black Friday (PC) Review by Nick H. iNK Stories has, in 1979 Revolution: Black Friday, created a narrative exploration of the Iranian Revolution in 1979, which provides insight on the events that transpired by giving players the opportunity to live through them. Spielbeschreibung. Zum Artikel: 1979 Revolution: Black Friday im Test - Iran einmal anders. 1979 revolution black friday. Download 1979 Revolution: Black Friday for free on PC this page will show you how to download and install the full version of 1979 Revolution: Black Friday on PC. Despite the name, 1979 Revolution takes place in 1980 and 1978, with a frame story in the later year tying back to events immediately preceding the titular Black Friday. https://www.xboxtavern.com/1979-revolution-black-friday-review League of Legends ARURF 2021 Release Date - Here's... Total War: Warhammer 3 Officially Announced, Launches Later This Year. Du spielst einen Fotojournalisten in einer Stadt, in der alle gegen den regierenden König Shah protestieren. Bitte beachtet: Der Kommentarbereich wird gemäß der Forenregeln moderiert. Oh, wo kommt das denn ploetzlich her? 1979 Revolution: Black Friday has 39 Achievements worth 1000 points. Throughout the game, players are presented with the ability to interact with their surroundings, including crowds of people on strike, and a homeless mother and her infant child. Advertisements . 1979 Revolution Black Friday is nor any of them. Telling tales A cursory glance at 1979 Revolution: Black Friday may have the average person either assuming that it’s a new adventure game from Telltale or somebody trying to emulate Telltale’s formula.
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